1a unit9 Little Mouse備課

2019-6-26 11:50 原創(chuàng)


Here is a little mouse.

Here is a hole.

Here is a little mouse.

Peeking through a hole.

Peek to the left.

Peek to the right.

watch out!

there is a cat in sight.

2.famliy fun1

M:hi I'm going to be a mouse.

But i need a tail.

What can I make a tail out of?

Oh,I have an idea.

I'm gonna show you a little magic trick.OK?


M:Take this toilet paper and I'm gonna roll,roll.

Rolling ,rolling and…

See,It's a tail.

Now you are gonna put it bike like this.

I'm gonna show everyone my tail.


And you're gonna be the cat.

And you're gonna chase me.OK?


After we chant the song.

We are gonna act and chant the song out together.

here we go

Here is a little mouse.

Peeking through a hole.

Peek to the left.

Peek to the right.

watch out!

there is a cat in sight.

M:(寶寶去追家長,把家長的尾巴拽斷了)Oh,my tail

Oh ,no.

Well,we are gonna make another one for you.

Now you are gonna be the mouse.

We are just gonna roll our toilet paper.

rolling ,rolling ,rolling.

See, make a tail.

And we put it back here like this.



M:Show everyone your tail.

good job.Now you are gonna give me your ears.

And I'm gonna give you mine.

And now you are the mouse.

And I'm the cat.

All right.

Are you ready to chant the song?


M:Here we go.

Here is a little mouse.

Peeking through a hole.

Peek to the left.

Peek to the right.

watch out!

there is a cat in sight.

M:I caught you.

3.family fun2



M:What's that sound?

A:It's the mouth ,all right.

M:Wow,it's a big mouse.

i have an idea.

I'm gonna use this cat to scare of the mouse.

A:Here's a little mouse.

Peeking through a hole.

Peek to the left.

Peek to the right.

M:Meow,watch out!

There is a cat in sight.

let's play one more time ,OK?

let's start the chant OK?


M:All right.

Peeking through a hole.

Peek to the left.

Peek to the right.

Meow,watch out!

There is a cat in sight.

M:Where did you go,little mouse?

There you are!I got you.I got you.

4.family fun3


M:look it's a mouse

A:wow,a mouse

M:do you wanna make one just like this?


M:all right.so.first.what is this?

A:this is a paper cup.

M:OK perfect!this people cup will be the mouse's body.

Do you wanna paint it gray?


M:all right.so you got this too.

And you got your brush.

And you'll paint his body grap.

let me open this one.

OK you can start.

and then I will cut the ears.



M:this one

so we make some little circles

A:look this is the mouse's body.

M:You did such a good job.

Do you wanna help to cut the very long tail for the mouse?


M:all right .here you go!

And I will cut the teeth.

And the nose for the mouse.

A:OK.look this is the mouse's tail.

M:wow,you did such a good job.

Do you wanna put him onto the cup?


M:all right.

A:So what else do we have here to put on?

We got the ears ,two ears.

We've got eyes.

But we take the small eyes.

Like these ones.

they will go on the cup.

And then we already cut our whiskers.

They will also go on.

And,oh,we still need to cut the nose.

What about his little nose?

so we'll use this one.

Do you want to paste on his…



M:I will cut his nose.

And finally we are going to make its teeth.

We will use the white tape.

And they will look like this.

They are almost triangles.


M:So put those on the front for his teeth please.

This one.

Put him there.

And do you want to put his ears on?


M:and we should…

can you cut a little bit?


M:I will cut this one.

And he sticks on with the tape.

You put the tape on the back.

We peal that one off.

And,it's on.

M:Wow it's looking so good already.

How about the eyes?

Do you wanna put the eyes on?


M:Peel that one off.

Then put there.And whiskers.

Do you wanna me help this one?


M:Do you wanna start with his whiskers then?


M:so we are already up to this part.


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