發(fā)布于 2023-03-03
L3-21 The Jumble Sale
Today we are gonna read this book, it is called The Jumble Sale. The Jungle Sale? What does that mean? Animals are coming to sell things? No, it is not a jungle sale. Look, it is The Jumble Sale. And what does that mean? That means everyone is coming here to sell their old things, like old books, old stuff, old clothes, well, to make money for the church or for the school, OK? And usually they will do something called spring-cleaning, they take out all their old things and then they take them here to sell. Monkey, have you got some old things to sell? I’ve got some old bananas. What? Old bananas? Dump them, you can’t eat them, you can’t sell them. No one is gonna buy them. Now let’s look at this picture, wow, it seems to be a very noisy place, you see so many people, and there are so many old stuff there. And here our children are looking at
something. Let’s see what happened.
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Mum and Dad were spring-cleaning. What does spring-cleaning mean? I know, you clean your house in spring. That’s right. In spring, people like to do some cleaning. So that you have a clean house all year around. And this is the very moment for you to find some old things that you don’t really want and you can take them to the jumble sale, right? Now look, oh my, the dust is
flying everywhere. After a whole year, I believe in the attic, there must be a lot of dust. Dust! And it is everywhere, and it will make you cough. What is daddy doing? I think dad is passing a box of old toys to mummy.And mummy says, OK, OK, I got it. I got it.
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Wow, they cleaned out so many things. Mum looked in a drawer. Now here, this is a drawer,
drawer, we call this a drawer chest, and this is one drawer, and in this drawer, you can see a lot of
baby clothes. Wait a minute, is there a baby in their house? No, the children are pretty big, but
they are still keeping baby clothes. I believe Kipper must have worn this when he was very young,
right? So, mum looked in a drawer and mum has found out some very little baby clothes. And
what has daddy found? Daddy has found some books. Very good! Some boxes of books and an old
bag and a bear and a statue, and a lampshade, a suitcase and Floppy is looking, wow, a lot of old
stuff, I know them. And dad threw things out. So many old books that I don’t want. OK, let’s see.
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The children looked at the junk. Hey, mummy, daddy, what are you doing? It seems fun, so
many stuff! Let’s see, let’s see! The children are very excited, right? And they played with the old
toys because these toys, you know, used to be very good, so they play them when they were really
young. But look at the bear, that bear is so old. Yes, look, the bear has got a missing eye, some
stitches and the bear is really dirty, but Biff was smiling. She said, oh, my bear! I was looking for
you. Look at Chip, Chip is holding a model, probably a wooden man. But look at this one, it has a
missing arm, a missing leg, it is really old and broken, right? And Kipper, Kipper has found his
little baby shirt! Hey, I like this one, look, I outgrow my shirt! They are really having fun with the
old toys.
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Mum put the old toys in the car. OK, so heavy! Put them all in the trunk. But the children
were sad. Monkey, do you know why they are sad? I think maybe they want to play with those old
toys, they love them. Yes, I love my old toys too! But for mummy, they are just old things,
probably they would never play them again.
●Page 5
And then, they all went to the jumble sale. Look, it has been so crowded already. Oh, what
happened here? The bottom of the box was broken. Look, all the toys fell through, oh, no! So what
must Biff do now? Biff had to pick them up and put them back. Yes, that’s a lot of work. And here,
it says jumble sale, doors open at 10 o’clock. So I have a question for everyone, if you get there at
9 o’clock, can you get your things inside? No, because it’s only open at 10 o’clock. Right! Good
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The children wanted to buy something. Wow, what a large crowd of people! Yes, that’s right!
Look, so many people, and everyone is browsing for the things they want to buy. Let’s take a look,
this man, this man is checking an old watch, very good! What about this man? This man is
checking a yellow shirt, maybe. And how about these two women? Probably, they both want this
clothes, this piece of maybe, I think this is a dress, and they pull it, I want this dress, I saw it first.
And then, on, no, look, this boy is crying, mummy, I want it, and mum said, no, I don’t want that.
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And the children saw their toys. Hey, look, aren’t they our toys? Yes, they are their toys, look,
the old bear! That’s right, we can see the old bear and some other things. We have a heater, a kettle
and many other things. But I am sure this is their bear. They counted their money. Why? Why are
they counting their money? I think because they want to buy them. What? They are going to buy
their own toys back. Really?
●Page 8
It was time to go home. And they are saying, bye, goodbye! Look, mummy has got a plant.
And everyone was holding a big bag, wow, they must have bought a lot of things! What’s in the
bag? Said mum. Mum didn’t know. What do you think are in the bags?
●Page 9
Ta-da, their old toys! And then mummy said, oh, no! Wait a minute, don’t tell me, you used
your all money to buy those old stuffs back. That’s so funny!
I like the story, Susan, why don’t we read it from the beginning to the end? OK, let’s read it.
So do you know what did Biff, Chip and Kipper each buy? Biff bought the old bear, Chip bought
the old model, Kipper bought his baby shirt. That’s right, OK! Do you want to go to the jumble
sale? Yes, let’s go!
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@藏圖1-20站 廬山。
(古文)《送東陽(yáng)馬生序》[明]宋濂 (宋濂嗜學(xué))
余幼時(shí)即嗜學(xué)。家貧,無從致書以觀,每假借于藏書之家,手自筆錄,計(jì)日以還。天大寒,硯冰堅(jiān),手指不可屈伸,弗之怠。錄畢,走送之,不敢稍逾約。以是人多以書假余,余因得遍觀群書。既加冠,益慕圣賢之道 。又患無碩師名人與游,嘗趨百里外,從鄉(xiāng)之先達(dá)執(zhí)經(jīng)叩問。先達(dá)德隆望尊,門人弟子填其室,未嘗稍降辭色。余立侍左右,援疑質(zhì)理,俯身傾耳以請(qǐng);或遇其叱咄,色愈恭,禮愈至,不敢出一言以復(fù);俟其欣悅,則又請(qǐng)焉。故余雖愚,卒獲有所聞。
ORT L5-20 : The Adventure Park (Oxford Reading Tree)(More Stories C 2)
ORT L5-20 : The Adventure Park
(Oxford Reading Tree)(More Stories C 2)

穿上護(hù)具 put on a harness
項(xiàng)目1 the log bridge
go across the bridge
項(xiàng)目2 rope runway
ORT L6-07 : A Fright in the Night (Oxford Reading Tree)(More Stories A 1)
Frederick Hunt and Alex Brychta / Oxford University Press
ORT L6-07 : A Fright in the Night
(Oxford Reading Tree)(More Stories A 1)

It had two bedrooms.
It had a big fire place.
Gran had some plastic bags.
Chip had a new game.
Biff had an idea.
She had a torch in the bed.
09.Pond Life (RAZ B)
Pond Life
動(dòng)物-池塘。動(dòng)詞句型是。There are xxs in the pond.
There are plants/fish/snails/bugs/ducks/turtles/beavers/boys in the pond.
05.My Pet Dinosaur (RAZ B)
Anthony Curran / 現(xiàn)代教育出版社
My Pet Dinosaur
動(dòng)物-寵物。動(dòng)詞句型能。My pet dinosaur can do.
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36 My Neighborhood (RAZ D)

36 My Neighborhood
This is my neighborhood.
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I love where I live.
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