#浮沉 #float #sink

共14本書 ·13本有推薦語 適合男孩 , 中文書
閱讀年齡 5-6歲 (21.3%), 6-7歲 (17.0%)
閱讀年齡 5-6歲 (28.6%), 4-5歲 (21.4%)
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (20.9%), 5-6歲 (19.1%)
【賓果40蒲公英】蒲公英:飄向空中 Floating on air: dandelions (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) ●導(dǎo)讀頁 The grateful dandelion It is winter and snow lies on the ground. But what is that brave green plant, fighting through the snow? It is the dandelion, ready and waiting for the spring. It shows us that if we are tough and brave, we can get through the hard days, and the good days will be worth waiting for. 感恩的蒲公英 這是在冬天,雪覆蓋于地面。 但,那個勇敢與雪抗?fàn)幹?,是什么綠色植物呢? 它是蒲公英,它正準(zhǔn)備著,等待著,春天。 它展示給我們的是,如果我們能堅強勇敢, 我們可以挺過艱難的日子,也值得等到好日子的來臨。 ●扉頁 Floating on air: dandelions 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解蒲公英嗎? Plant | Dandelion 植物 | 蒲公英 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Heong Min-jing 玄敏京 標(biāo)題:Floating on air: dandelions 蒲公英:飄向空中 正文 ●01 The wind carries fuzzy white fluff through the air. 風(fēng)攜帶著白色松軟的絨毛飄向空中。 ●02 The fluff has little seeds attached. They are dandelion seeds. 絨毛上粘附著小小的種子。 它們是蒲公英種子。 TIP Each seed has its own little fluffy parachute. It is called the pappus. It helps the seeds to catch the wind and fly to new places. 提示 每一顆種子都有著屬于它自己毛茸茸的小降落傘。這稱為:冠毛。 它幫助種子乘風(fēng)飛行,去往新的地方。 ●03 The dandelion seeds fly here, there and everywhere, guided by their little parachutes. 隨著小小降落傘的指引, 蒲公英種子飄落到這里,降落到那里,以及四面八方。 ●06 When the wind drops, the seeds fall to the earth. They bury themselves deep in the ground. Then they grow and spread, taking up goodness from the soil. 隨風(fēng)飄落的蒲公英種子在土地里深深地扎根發(fā)芽, 隨后它們吮吸著土壤里的養(yǎng)分,不停地蔓延伸展。 ●07 It is winter and the snow has arrived. The dandelion spreads its green leaves across the ground. It knows that it must survive the winter before its bright flowers will come. 冬天了,雪隨之而至。 蒲公英蔓生著它的綠葉穿出地面。 它知道它需要活過冬天,等待明亮的花朵的綻開。 ●10 Spring is here, and the fields are full of dandelion flowers. 春已至,田野間開滿了蒲公英的花朵。 ●11 A dandelion blossom is made up of lots of small flowers. All the small flowers group together to make one large flower. Each tiny flower has its own stamen and pistil. 蒲公英綻放開,由許多小小的花組成。 所有小小的花集結(jié)于一起,組成一朵大大的花。 每一朵小小的花都有它自己的雄蕊(stamen)和雌蕊(pistil)。 ●13 The warm sunshine feels so good! The dandelion stretches to the sun and opens into a beautiful flower. 溫暖的陽光照耀的感覺如此之好! 蒲公英伸展著朝向太陽,開出一朵漂亮的花朵來。 ●14 At night, the flowers close up tightly. 夜至,花朵們緊緊地閉合起來。 ●16 These dandelions are expecting visitors. Welcome, buzzing bees and dancing butterflies! 蒲公英們期待訪客的到來。 歡迎啊,嗡嗡嗡的蜜蜂們,翩翩起舞的蝴蝶們! ●17 The bees and butterflies sip nectar from the dandelion’s flowers. 蜜蜂們和蝴蝶們從蒲公英的花朵中汲取花蜜。 ●18 As they drink, pollen sticks to them and is moved from the stamen to the pistil. 它們飲啜的時候,花粉粘附到它們身上,從雄蕊移到雌蕊上面。 ●20 The dandelions sway their thank you in the breeze. Thanks to the butterflies and bees, they can now grow their seeds. 蒲公英搖曳著,在微風(fēng)中向它們致謝。 謝謝蝴蝶蜜蜂們,現(xiàn)在,它們能讓它們的種子生長啦。 ●21 Soon, the flowers wilt away and are replaced by small, fluffy white balls. 很快,花朵們凋謝了,小白絨球取而代之。 ●24 With a gust of breeze, the fluffy seeds leave the dandelion stalk and fly into the air. They float on the wind to find new places to take root and grow. 一陣微風(fēng)吹過,蓬松的種子離開了蒲公英的莖稈飛向空中。 它們隨風(fēng)飄蕩,尋覓新的地方扎根成長。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Travelling with the wind A small breeze is enough to start the seed’s journey. Any seeds that are left become food for ants. When there is no wind, the seed drops into the water. 隨風(fēng)旅行 小小的微風(fēng)足以開始種子的旅程。 任何一顆留到地面的種子,都成為了螞蟻的食物。 無風(fēng)之時,種子滴入水中。 ●26 Sometimes the seed gets caught in a spider web. Some seeds land on leaves, not soil. Only seeds that fall onto the dirt can take root. 有時,種子被蜘蛛網(wǎng)纏住了。 有些種子落到了葉子上,而非土壤。 只有落入塵土的種子才能生根。 ●27 Dandelion Facts 蒲公英二三事 Bug watch Some bugs look for dandelions to drink their nectar. Others land on the plant to eat the flower itself. All kinds of creatures look for the bright yellow flowers when spring arrives. 蟲子的盯梢 有一些蟲子找到蒲公英,飲啜它們的花蜜。 其它的落到植物上,吃它的花。 各種生物在春天來臨時,都尋找明亮的黃色花朵們。 蜜蜂 Bee 蝴蝶 Butterfly 瓢蟲 Ladybird 蚱蜢[zhà měng] Grasshopper ●28 Plant | Dandelion 植物 | 蒲公英 Sun worship When dandelions see the sun, they fan out their petals and open up wide. During the night-time, or on a cloudy day, they close up. Clover and mimosa also open and close depending on the sunlight. 崇拜太陽 當(dāng)蒲公英看到太陽的時候,它們會扇動著它們的花瓣,并大大地張開。 在夜間,或是在陰天,它們閉合(它們的花)。 三葉草和含羞草同樣開放或閉合,取決于(有無)陽光。 含羞草 Mimosa 三葉草 Clover Rosette plants Plants such as dandelions grow outwards more than upwards and stay close to the ground. We call them rosette plants. Other examples are primroses, shepherd’s purse, and artichokes. 像蒲公英這樣,向外長多過向上長,且緊貼地面的植物稱為“蓮座植物”。 除此之外的例子還有: 報春花 primrose, 薺菜 shepherd’s purse artichokes, 洋薊[jì] artichokes。
【牛3-01】【牛31??1】 ORT L3-01 : The Duck Race (Oxford Reading Tree)(First Sentences 1) reed 蘆葦 weed 雜草 soggy 潮濕的 牛2-25 Floppy's Bath 牛3-01 The Duck Race ●Page 1 it's boring so Wilma had an idea. That’s a wonderful idea because that’s a really interesting handcraft, If we are going to make some paper ducks. What do we need? Color paper, crayons, markers, scissors, rulers, tape, glue. Wilma is folding the paper. ●Page 2 everyone is busy doing the handcraft. you can use the scissors to cut. you can cut out any shapes that you like probably. they have cut out some ducks, duck shaped paper. you need to glue, to glue them together. Wilma is trying to glue this top part onto the paper boat. ●Page 3 all the children go outside. there is a stream. over the stream, you see a footbridge. everyone walk onto it. Mum began the race. OK! Three, two, one! Drop the ducks in. Let go of the duck boats. Let go! Look at Kipper, I think Kipper is very smart because he is lowering the duck. Look, in this way, probably, you will land better. go, go! ●Page 4 The ducks went down the stream. Wilma’s duck sank. the paper duck is very likely to sink because it is made of paper. When paper is wet, it’s gonna sink. What else can sink? Astone, if you have a big stone, and you throw it in the stream, it will just sink. But some other things will not sink. For example, a boat, a boat will float on top. Can you float or sink? I can float! Wow, so that means you are a good swimmer. He is waving his arm, go, go, go! You are not going to push your duck boat forward, right? Of course not, he is just trying. ●Page 5 OK, and then Chip’s duck got stuck in the reeds. reeds are very tall grass that you see usually in shallow water. We can use reeds to make baskets or mats. So they are very useful. Chip’s duck got stuck in the reeds. So this duck boat can not keep going. there is a rule, you can’t touch it once it starts going. So Chip says, oh, no, I am going to lose. weeds are the grass that you don’t want in your garden. Like, if you have a garden there, you have beautiful roses, and then more weeds are coming. That’s not good because they will prevent the roses from growing better. So you need to weed your garden. need to get rid of the weeds. I only want my roses.OK? ●Page 6 When you have a fallen tree, this is the log. OK? You can use the logs to make beds, or maybe other things like chairs, tables. They can be quite useful. hold this, hey, this may help you. he is trying to hand the stick to Wilf. So probably they can use the stick to get it unstuck. But isn’t this against the rule? You are not supposed to touch it, right? Get it off with a stick ●Page 7 Kipper’s duck is No.1 now. So Kipper is so happy. My duck is in the lead. ●Page 8 the swan almost knocked daddy off his feet. This big swan flew by dad. They are big birds with very long necks. So elegant and so beautiful. You can see them usually on the lake. when you see them, don’t forget to feed them. swans like to eat wheat bread. Now two swans flew down. they landed on the ducks. They are gonna get wet. They are gonna sink. there will be no winner. ●Page 9 Six soggy ducks, said Kipper. Soggy means wet, completely wet. the swan is the winner. Now do you wanna try and have a duck race? I do! But I have a question, it’s made of paper, so that means when it is wet, it is gonna sink. Why don’t you change something to make it?
閱讀年齡 5-6歲 (21.3%), 4-5歲 (18.0%)
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (27.8%), 2-3歲 (22.2%)