#蜻蜓 #dragonfly 【昆蟲】

共4本書 ·3本有推薦語 適合男孩 , 中文書
閱讀年齡 6-7歲 (20.3%), 7-8歲 (19.5%)
閱讀年齡 7-8歲 (100.0%)
【賓果31蜻蜓】 Dragonfly, the super stunt pilot (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第二輯 Go wild) 31 Dragonfly, the super stunt pilot 超級特技飛行員-蜻蜓 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 Big-eyed dragonfly 大眼蜻蜓 The sky is a battleground for the magnificent dragonfly. It hovers and dives and darts and pounces. Look out, little creatures! The skies are a dangerous place! 天空對于絢麗的蜻蜓而言是它們的戰(zhàn)場。 它時(shí)而盤旋,時(shí)而俯沖,時(shí)而騰飛,時(shí)而撲閃。 當(dāng)心呀,小生物們! 天空這地兒真危險(xiǎn)哪! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about dragonflies? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解蜻蜓嗎? Insect | Dragonfly 昆蟲 | 蜻蜓 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎·里根 插畫師:Gou Wun-jeong 高云靜 標(biāo)題:超級特技飛行員-蜻蜓 正文 ●02 Dragonflies have been around for millions of years. They lived in prehistoric times, with the dinosaurs. 數(shù)百萬年前就有蜻蜓了, 它們生活在史前時(shí)代,與恐龍同期。 TIP Prehistoric dragonflies were much, much bigger. They had wings the size of a barn owl’s wings! Now they are a lot smaller. 提示 史前蜻蜓更加,更加大。 它們翅膀的尺寸和鴟[chī]一樣大! 現(xiàn)在,它們可小得多了。 ●03 The dragonfly is the most skilled at flying of all the insects. 在昆蟲王國中,蜻蜓的飛行技巧是最出色的。 ●05 Dragonflies have great eyesight, too. 蜻蜓的視力非常好。 ●06 They can easily spot prey from far away. 它可以輕松地發(fā)現(xiàn)遠(yuǎn)處飛行的獵物哦。 ●08 A dragonfly zooms towards its prey like a jet plane. Gotcha! It enjoys a tasty snack. 蜻蜓就像一輛噴氣式飛機(jī)一樣,疾馳到獵物面前。 可逮著了!它享受著一餐美味小食。 ●10 A male dragonfly and a female dragonfly form a beautiful heart when they mate. 雄性蜻蜓遇到了心儀的雌性蜻蜓, 它們抱在一起飛行,在空中畫出了甜蜜的心形。 ●11 Then the female lays her eggs. 隨后,雌性產(chǎn)卵了。 ●12 Some dragonflies drop their eggs in the water, while some lay their eggs on the reeds and plants. 有一些蜻蜓把它們的卵墜入水中,而有一些蜻蜓把它們的卵產(chǎn)在蘆葦桿或植物上。 ●13 A young dragonfly is called a larva. 年幼的蜻蜓稱為幼蟲。 ●14 Larvae eat everything they can find: insects, grubs, tadpoles and even small fish. They soon grow big and strong. 幼蟲的胃口很好,為了快快長大,它們從早吃到晚。 昆蟲,蛆[qū],蝌蚪,甚至于小魚仔,都是它們的食物。 ●15 When it is ready, the larva leaves the water. It crawls up a leaf and sheds its skin. 長大了的幼蟲離開水中,悄悄地爬上了草莖,開始蛻皮。 ●18 Larvae shed their skin several times as they grow. After shedding their last skin, they appear as a fully grown dragonfly. 幼蟲在成長中會經(jīng)歷多次蛻皮。 蛻完最后一次皮后, 它們蛻變成真正的蜻蜓啦。 ●20 Dragonflies are expert hunters. They can catch their prey in midair. They eat butterflies, moths, beetles, bees, flies and even smaller dragonflies. They especially like mosquitoes and midges. 蜻蜓是捕獵高手, 它們捕食蝴蝶,蛾子,甲蟲,蜜蜂,蒼蠅,甚而更小一些的蜻蜓。 它們最喜歡吃蚊子和蠓[měng]子。 ●21 Although a dragonfly is a brilliant pilot, it needs to beware of some other creatures. 即使蜻蜓是很機(jī)敏的飛行員,它們?nèi)孕杈杵渌囊恍┥铩?蜘蛛 Spider 螳螂 Praying mantis 燕子 Swallow 青蛙 Frog ●22 Out of all these predators, dragonflies are most afraid of swallows. 除了這些掠食者,蜻蜓最怕的是燕子。 ●23 Wow! There are so many types of dragonfly! 哇!蜻蜓的種類可真多呀! 褐帶赤蜻 Banded Darter 黑麗翅蜻 Dusky Flutterer ●24 碧偉蜓 Lesser Emperor 裂眼蝶角蛉 Split-eyed Owlfly 中文版:猩紅蜻蜓 閃綠寬腹蜻 Wide-bellied Skimmer 白尾灰蜻 White-tailed Skimmer 紅蜻 Scarlet Skimmer 中文版:閃藍(lán)麗大蜻 闊翅豆娘 Beautiful Demoiselle 中文版:蜻蛉 閃藍(lán)麗大蜻 Regal Pond Cruiser 中文版:黃脊蝶角蛉 黃花蝶角蛉 Siberian Owlfly ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Shedding its skin 蛻下最后一層皮 ① The larva leaves the water to shed its final skin. ② The head, legs and chest break free first. ③ Then it slowly pulls out the rest of its body. ① 從水中出來的幼蟲正在進(jìn)行最后一次蛻皮。 ② 蜻蜓的頭部、胸部還有腿部從開裂的外殼中出來了。 ③ 蜻蜓用腿部抓住外殼,將腹部慢慢地抽出來。 ●26 ④ Its wings are the last parts to come loose. ⑤ The dragonfly has to stretch out its wet wings and wait for them to dry. ④ 蜻蜓掛在外殼上,展開翅膀。 ⑤ 等蜻蜓晾干潮濕的翅膀,它就能飛了。 ●27 Dragonfly Facts 蜻蜓二三事 Hunting tactics 捕食戰(zhàn)術(shù) Dragonflies hunt in different ways. Mostly they catch their prey in the air. Sometimes they wait and watch, and fly quickly upwards to grab an insect. They may also hover over plants and pick off an insect from the leaves. 蜻蜓捕食的方法很多。 大部分情況下,它們在空中捕捉獵物。 有時(shí)它們等待與關(guān)注,快速地朝昆蟲直飛去,攫[ jué]住。 它們也可能盤旋于植物中,把葉子中的昆蟲,逮住。 Magic eyes 神奇的復(fù)眼 A dragonfly has excellent eyesight. Its eyes are made of thousands of tiny lenses that allow them to see very well. 蜻蜓的視力非常好, 它的眼由數(shù)千細(xì)小的(眼睛中的)水晶體構(gòu)成,能讓它們看得非常清晰。 They can easily see things at a distance. 它們能輕易地從遠(yuǎn)處看清事物。 ●28 Insect | Dragonfly 昆蟲 | 蜻蜓 Enemies for life 生命中的敵人 A dragonfly larva will hunt for creatures in the water. They eat a lot of food. Tadpoles are an easy target for them. However, once the tadpoles have grown into frogs, they get their revenge. Frogs love to catch and eat dragonflies! 蜻蜓幼蟲從水中捕食。 它們吃很多食物。 蝌蚪很容易成為它們的(捕食)目標(biāo)。 不過,當(dāng)蝌蚪長成青蛙后,蜻蜓將被報(bào)復(fù)。 青蛙喜愛捕食蜻蜓! Prey detected... 幼蟲發(fā)現(xiàn)獵物…… Creep up close... 幼蟲向獵物的方向靠近…… Jaws open... 幼蟲張開下唇捕捉獵物…… Success! 幼蟲捕獵成功!