#吃的詞 #bite #chew #lick 【動詞】

共17本書 ·17本有推薦語 適合男孩 , 中文書
【bite & chew & nibble】→susan【bite】
【sip & slurp】→susan【slurp】
lick舔 swallow吞
閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (20.7%), 5-6歲 (19.4%)
閱讀年齡 5-6歲 (21.3%), 6-7歲 (17.1%)
閱讀年齡 3-4歲 (25.1%), 4-5歲 (23.5%)
【賓果41兔子】 Rabbits on the run (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第三輯 Go wild) 41 Rabbits on the run 奔跑中的兔子 ●導(dǎo)讀頁 Run rabbit, run! The rabbit wants to see what’s on the other side of the hill. Puff, puff, puff, up he runs! Then huff, huff, huff, down the other side. It looks much the same, but the running was fun! 奔跑吧 兔子,奔跑! 兔子想看看山的另一邊有些什么。 噗,噗,噗,(吸氣)他往上跑! 然后,呼,呼,呼,(吐氣), 下到另一邊。 看起來差不多一樣啊, 但是奔跑帶來樂趣! ●扉頁 Are you ready to find out about rabbits? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來了解兔子嗎? Animal | Rabbit 動物 | 兔子 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Kim Eun-kyung 金恩京 標(biāo)題:Rabbits on the run 奔跑中的兔子 正文 ●01 Shh! I’m trying to sneak up on the rabbit! 噓!我正試著悄悄靠近兔子! ●04 But the bunny can hear me with its sensitive ears. Off it hops! 兔子的耳朵可真敏銳,還沒有等我靠近, 它就一蹦一跳地跑開了。 ●05 Its back legs are so strong. 它的后腿如此有力。 ●06 It leaps and jumps far from me. 它蹦蹦跳跳地離我而去。 ●07 I pick up a carrot to see if that will make it play. 我取出一顆胡蘿卜想看看,會不會讓它動心與我玩。 ●08 The rabbit jumps on the carrot. 兔子跳到了胡蘿卜上。 Bam! 嗙! ●09 The bunny nibbles on the carrot with its sharp front teeth. 兔子用它尖利的門牙啃了啃胡蘿卜。 ●11 Now it wipes its mouth... 現(xiàn)在,它擦了擦嘴巴…… washes its face... 洗了洗臉…… ●12 rubs its floppy ears... and licks its paws. 揉了揉它松軟的耳朵…… 舔了舔它的爪子。 The bunny loves to be clean...and cuddly! 兔子喜愛干凈……喜愛抱抱! ●13 Hopping along, I follow as fast as I can. 我一邊蹦跳,一邊盡可能快的跟著它。 TIP Rabbits love to dig. It helps them to escape from foxes and owls. 提示 兔子喜愛挖洞。這能幫助它們躲避狐貍和鷹。 ●14 Ah! Now all the bunnies are asleep. ??!現(xiàn)在所有的兔子都睡覺了。 ●16 The mother rabbit hops down the hole. Her baby bunnies wake up and rub their eyes. Then they curl up next to mum to drink her milk. 兔子母親蹦到了洞里。 她的兔子寶寶們醒來了,揉著它們的眼睛。 隨后它們依偎在媽媽身邊,吮吸著乳汁。 ●17 A mother rabbit has lots of babies together. The brothers and sisters are called a litter. 兔子母親一次生出很多寶寶。 兄弟姐妹們統(tǒng)稱為:litter (一窩)幼崽。 ●19 Now the babies are bigger, they are exploring outside with their mother. 現(xiàn)在寶寶們都長大一些了, 它們隨著母親進(jìn)行戶外探索。 ●21 The bunnies are hungry, and sniff for food with their twitchy noses. 兔子們餓了,用它們抽搐的鼻子嗅著食物。 ●22 TIP Rabbits love to eat green leafy plants, such as clover, dandelion, and shepherd’s purse. 提示 兔子喜愛吃綠葉植物,比如:三葉草,蒲公英,薺菜。 ●24 The rabbits play while they eat. They explore the long grass and holes in the ground. They love to run around! 兔子邊吃邊玩。 它們開采長草,發(fā)掘地洞。 它們愛跑來跑去! ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! Bunny bodies 兔子的身體 A rabbit’s ears are very sensitive. They can hear tiny noises from far away. 兔子的耳朵非常敏感。 它們能聽出遙遠(yuǎn)地方的細(xì)微聲音。 A rabbit twitches its nose to pick up smells. 兔子在張開鼻孔聞味道呢! ●26 Its long back legs are strong to help it move quickly. 它長長的后腿很強(qiáng)壯,幫助它快速移動。 Its front teeth are large and sharp for slicing food. 它的門牙碩大而銳利,切碎食物很管用。 A rabbit uses its paws to keep itself clean. 兔子用它的爪子來給自己做清潔。 ●27 Rabbit Facts 兔子二三事 Always growing A rabbit’s front teeth never stop growing. They have to grind them down to keep them the right length. If you have a pet rabbit, it needs something tough to chew on. 總在長 兔子的門牙從未停止長長。 它們時常磨牙以讓牙齒保持適當(dāng)?shù)拈L度。 如果你有一只寵物兔子,需要給它一些堅硬的東西讓它咀嚼。 Two poos! Rabbits poo twice after each meal. The first poo is softer, as the food hasn’t been fully digested. The second poos, after digestion is finished, are small, hard, and round. 便便兩次! 兔子每餐以后排便兩次。 第一次排出的便便軟一些,因為食物并沒有完全被消化掉。 第二次排出的便便,在(食物)消化完結(jié)后,更小,更硬,更圓。 ●28 Animal | Rabbit 動物 | 兔子 Big ears? 大耳朵么? Rabbits have different sized ears depending on where they live. Those in warm places have big ears. Their large size helps get rid of heat. Rabbits in cold areas have small ears to hold on to their body heat. 兔子的耳朵有著不同的尺寸,取決于它們生活在什么地區(qū)。 生活在溫暖地區(qū)的兔子有著大耳朵。 它們大尺寸的耳朵幫助它們散熱。 嚴(yán)寒地區(qū)的兔子有著小耳朵,用來幫它們的身體聚熱。 Desert hare or jackrabbit 草兔 或 兔屬 Arctic hare or polar rabbit 北極(野)兔 或 北極兔 Hare or rabbit? Rabbits are smaller than hares. Their ears are usually shorter, too. 野兔還是家兔? 家兔比野兔小一些。它們的耳朵通常也更小一些。 Rabbits can be kept as pets. 家兔能當(dāng)寵物。 Hares always live in the wild. 野兔總是生活在野外。