#豹 #cheetah #jaguar #leopard 【哺乳動(dòng)物】【貓科】【狩獵動(dòng)物】

共5本書 ·5本有推薦語(yǔ) 適合男孩 , 中文書
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閱讀年齡 4-5歲 (23.2%), 3-4歲 (22.7%)
【賓果49虎】 Mighty tiger: king of the jungle (賓果兒童自然科學(xué)第三輯 Go wild) 49 Mighty tiger, king of the jungle 威武的老虎,叢林之王 ●導(dǎo)讀頁(yè) The lonely tiger 孤獨(dú)的老虎 The tiger lives alone in the jungle. Sometimes, it just wants company, and moans in the night. All the animals can hear the tiger’s cries. They quake and hide. The poor tiger is too frightening to have friends. It is doomed to be on its own. 老虎獨(dú)居于叢林中。 有時(shí),它也需要伙伴兒,便在夜色中哀嚎召喚。 所有的動(dòng)物都能聽到老虎的哭聲。 它們戰(zhàn)戰(zhàn)兢兢,藏匿起來(lái)。 可憐的老虎太有震懾力了,難有朋友。 它注定成為孤家寡人。 ●扉頁(yè) Are you ready to find out about tigers? 你準(zhǔn)備好了,來(lái)了解老虎嗎? Animal | Tiger 動(dòng)物 | 老虎 原作者:Nopineopi 諾皮農(nóng)皮 編寫者:Lisa Regan 麗莎 里根 插畫師:Jeon Yeong-mun 鄭京文 標(biāo)題: Mighty tiger, king of the jungle 威武的老虎,叢林之王 正文 ●01 Whose face is this? 這是誰(shuí)的臉? ●03 That’s right. It is tiger, the king of the jungle. All the animals are afraid of this mighty hunter. 對(duì)了。 它是老虎,叢林之王。 所有的動(dòng)物都害怕這位威武的獵食者。 ●06 The mother tiger has given birth to two cubs. Their father prowls outside to keep them safe. 老虎媽媽生下兩只小虎崽。 它們的爸爸在外徘徊,以保它們安全。 ●07 As they grow bigger, the tiger cubs play and fight. 當(dāng)它們長(zhǎng)得更大一些的時(shí)候, 老虎崽崽們一起玩耍,一起爭(zhēng)斗。 ●08 One cub bites its brother’s tail to practise its hunting moves. 一只老虎崽崽咬住它兄弟的尾巴,進(jìn)行獵食位移的練習(xí)。 TIP A newborn cub is about the size of a cat. When the mother goes hunting for food, she hides her babies behind a rock. 提示 新生的老虎崽子和貓的體型差不多。 當(dāng)母親外出獵食時(shí),她把她的寶寶們藏到巖石后邊。 ●09 Now they are bigger, their mother will teach the cubs how to hunt. They run after her excitedly. 現(xiàn)在它們長(zhǎng)大很多了,它們的母親將教授崽崽們?nèi)绾潍C食。 它們興奮地跟在她的后面跑著。 ●12 They have spotted their prey. The mother tiger creeps up, silently. 它們偵查到了它們的獵物。 老虎母親悄無(wú)聲息地匍匐而上。 ●13 She pounces, and bites the deer on its neck. ‘Mum, you are awesome!’ 她猛撲過(guò)去,咬住鹿的頸部。 “媽媽,你好棒啊!” ●15 The tigers are splashing around in the river. Tigers love the water, and are excellent swimmers. 老虎在河中撲騰來(lái)?yè)潋v去。 老虎愛水,是優(yōu)秀的泳者。 ●18 When the tigers are fully grown, they leave their mother to live on their own. 當(dāng)老虎們長(zhǎng)成年,它們離開母親,獨(dú)立生活。 ●20 A male tiger marks trees by scratching them or peeing on the trunks. It means, ‘This is my territory.’ 雄性老虎刮擦著樹,在上面做標(biāo)記;或是在樹干上撒一泡尿。 它的意思是,“這是我的地盤。” ●21 These two tigers have paired up to mate. They smell and lick each other, and make purring noises. 這兩只老虎配對(duì)在一起了。 它們互相嗅和舔?qū)Ψ?,發(fā)出咕嚕咕嚕聲。 TIP When a female is ready to mate, she pees in the part of the jungle where she lives. The male can follow her scent. 提示 當(dāng)雌性打算孕育時(shí),她在自己居住的叢林區(qū)域撒一泡尿。 雄性就能追隨她的氣味。 ●24 Long ago, hunters killed tigers just for their fur. Many tigers were taken to zoos to protect them. Now, more tigers live in the zoo than in the jungle. These days, tiger hunting is illegal. 很久之前,獵人獵殺老虎,只是為了獲取它們的皮毛。 許多老虎被帶去動(dòng)物園進(jìn)行保護(hù)。 當(dāng)代,更多的老虎生活在動(dòng)物園而非叢林中。 現(xiàn)今,獵虎是違法的。 ●25 Find out more! 了解更多! How tigers hunt 老虎是如何獵食的 Tigers hunt in different ways, depending on the size of their prey. 老虎采取不同的方式獵食,取決于它們獵物的體型。 The tiger spots its prey. It creeps up close. 老虎盯梢上它的獵物。它匍匐向前靠近。 Bam! It grabs the rabbit. 嗙!它擒住了一只兔子。 ●26 Tigers pounce on small animals with their front paws. 老虎用它的前爪朝小動(dòng)物猛撲過(guò)去。 With larger prey, like a deer, the tiger bites or snaps the neck. 大一些的獵物,如:鹿,老虎會(huì)咬住或卡住它的頸部。 ●27 Tiger Facts 老虎二三事 Family facts After mating, the male tiger will stay with the mother until the cubs are born. Then he will leave the female to bring up the cubs. When they are grown up, they will live alone, like their parents. 家族真相 在一起繁衍以后,雄虎會(huì)陪伴在雌虎身邊,直到它們的崽崽降世。 其后,他便離開雌虎,由她養(yǎng)育虎崽。 虎崽們長(zhǎng)大以后,它們也會(huì)像它們的父母一樣,獨(dú)立生活。 Too hot Tigers don’t like the full heat of summer. They prefer to stay in the shade and keep still. They often cool down with a swim. 太熱了 老虎們不喜歡熱嗖嗖的夏天。 它們偏愛待在蔭蔽處,靜矗。 它們通常通過(guò)游泳來(lái)降溫。 ●28 Animal | Tiger 動(dòng)物 | 老虎 Naughty cubs Tiger cubs bite and fight and wrestle and chase one another. They aren’t really behaving badly. It is all practice for when they have to hunt on their own. 淘氣的崽崽們 老虎崽崽一個(gè)接著一個(gè)咬、斗、摔、追對(duì)方。 它們并非那般表現(xiàn)不好。 這一切全是它們?yōu)榱四塥?dú)立獵食而進(jìn)行的練習(xí)。 Big cats Tigers, lions, leopards and jaguars are all big cats. 貓科家族 老虎,獅子,金錢豹,美洲虎,全屬貓科家族。 Lion Lions are the only big cats that live in large groups. 獅子 獅子是唯一進(jìn)行大型群居生活的貓科家族動(dòng)物。 Leopard Leopards carry their prey into trees to keep it safe. 金錢豹 金錢豹把它們的獵物叼到樹下,以確保食物的安全(不被更強(qiáng)者奪走)。 Cheetah Cheetahs are the fastest big cats and hunt in daylight. 獵豹 獵豹在貓科家族中跑得最快,并在日間獵食。