2022-12-2 13:53 原創(chuàng) · 圖片27





Chinese Idioms and Their Stories《中國成語故事(英文版)》

Ancient Chinese Who Left Their Marks on History《中國歷史人物(英文版)》

Gems of Chinese Classics《中國歷史著述(英文版)》

Chinese Mythology & Thirty-Six Stratagems《中國成語故事與三十六計(英文版)》

Brush Away the Mystery of Traditional Chinese Painting《中國歷代著名繪畫作品鑒賞(英文版)》

The Stories of Ancient Chinese Architecture《中國古建筑及其故事(英文版)》

中國古建筑及其故事(英文版)Ancient Chinese Wisdom

簡介:Ancient Chinese architecture is an integral part of the rich and time-honored Chinese culture and an important component of the world architectural system. It is most famous for the Great Wall, but there are so much more. In 7,000 years, Chinese people developed unique architectural philosophies, structures and techniques that are very different from their counterparts in other places of the world. While Chinese architectural beauty is a feast for the eyes, the soul of ancient Chinese construction usually lies in the historical stories behind the walls. In this book, the authors will guide you as you knock on the gate of this ancient kingdom.


故宮 (gù gōng)

The Palace Museum

Forbidden City — the dragon’s jewel

阿房宮 (ē páng gōng)

Epang Palace

Grandest palace remained a dream

布達拉宮 (bù dá lā gōng)

Potala Palace

The tallest ancient palace

大明宮 (dà míng gōng)

Daming Palace

Once world’s largest imperial palace

皇家壇廟 (huáng jiā tán miào)

Imperial Temples

Imperial temples, altars dot Beijing

頤和園 (yí hé yuán)

Summer Palace

A best preserved imperial park

圓明園 (yuán míng yuán)

Old Summer Palace

‘Versailles of East’ destroyed in war

華清池 (huá qīng chí)

Huaqing Pool

A pool where power and lust collide

秦皇陵 (qín huáng líng)

Mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shi Huang

Grand Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor

乾陵 (qián líng)

Qianling Mausoleum

China’s only empress rests at Qianling Mausoleum

十三陵 (shí sān líng)

The Ming Tombs

Thirteen emperors’ burial sites ‘masterpieces’

長城 (cháng chéng)

The Great Wall

One of the Eight Wonders of the World

西安城墻 (xī’ān chéng qiáng)

The Xi’an City Wall

A paradigm of ancient Chinese city walls

蘇州城墻 (sū zhōu chéng qiáng)

The Suzhou City Wall

A most sophisticated and very effective denfense system

登封觀星臺 (dēng fēng guān xīng tái)

Dengfeng Observatory

Tower used to make age’s best calendar

岳陽樓 (yuè yáng lóu)

Yueyang Tower

Once the most magnificant tower in China

白馬寺 (bái mǎ sì)

White Horse Temple

Dream led to China’s first Buddhist temple

懸空寺 (xuán kōng sì)

The Hanging Temple

Ancient architects produce spectacular mountain temple

五臺山 (wǔ tái shān)

Mount Wutai

Temple mount full of treasures

大昭寺 (dà zhāo sì)

The Jokhang Temple

Tibet’s sacred monastery a living relic

應(yīng)縣木塔 (yīng xiàn mù tǎ)

The Sakyamuni Pagoda

World’s oldest and tallest wood tower

大理三塔 (dà lǐ sān tā)

Three Pagodas of Chongsheng Temple

Yunnan’s Buddhist gems offer quiet beauty

莫高窟 (mò gāo kū)

Mogao Grottoes

Spiritual, artistic and architectural wonders

化覺巷清真寺(huà jué xiàng qīng zhēn sì)

The Great Mosque of Xi’an

Mosque built with distinctive Chinese features

蘇公塔禮拜寺 (sū gōng tǎ lǐ bài sì)

Emin Minaret Mosque

A towering symbol of Islam

永樂宮 (yǒng lè gōng)

The Palace of Eternal Joy

Huge Taoist temple a shrine of extremely beautiful murals

四合院 (sì hé yuàn)

Beijing Courtyard House

Traditional dwellings designed with care

皖南民居 (wǎn nán mín jū)

Southern Anhui Village Residences

Anhui’s rural gems of home building

石庫門 (shí kù mén)

Stone-Framed-Gate House

City lanes fuse Chinese, Western styles

窯洞 (yáo dòng)

Cave House

Northern China’s cave houses last centuries

山西民居 (shān xī mín jū)

Shanxi Courtyard House

Ancient Shanxi houses strong yet elaborate

客家民居 (kè jiā mín jū)

Hakka Walled Village

Walled villages built for families, defense

干欄式房屋 (gān lán shì fáng wū)

Stilt House

Building a home above land or water

騎樓 (qí lóu)

Arcade Building

Veranda-style buildings populate the south

開平碉樓 (kāi píng diāo lóu)

Kaiping Tower

Guangdong towers show Western influence

豫園 (yù yuán)

Yuyuan Garden

Classic garden a place of rare tranquility

蘇州林園 (sū zhōu lín yuán)

Classic Gardens of Suzhou

Creating harmony between man and nature

嶺南園林 (lǐng nán yuán lín)

Lingnan Gardens

Southern Chinese gardens open, natural

梁橋 (liáng qiáo)

Beam Bridge

Bridge building in China spans 6,000 years

拱橋 (gǒng qiáo)

Arch Bridge

Arch bridges combine function and beauty

懸索橋 (xuán suǒ qiáo)

Suspension Bridge

Providing a connection through history

書院 (shū yuàn)

Academy of Classic Learning

Shuyuan designs show beauty of simplicity

會館 (huì guǎn)

Guild Hall

Ancient homes from home

曲阜孔子廟 (qū fù kǒng zǐ miào)

Temple of Confucius, Qufu

Much thought went into philosopher’s temple

祠堂 (cí táng)

Ancestral Temple

Homes for those no longer of this world

中國歷史人物(英文版)Ancient Chinese Wisdom



老子 A Legendary Philosopher

孔子 The Greatest Thinker

墨子 Pacifist Thinker and Inventor

孟子 Principal Interpreter of Confucianism

莊子 Freewheeling Taoist

荀子"All Humans are Born Evil’

韓非 Sage of ‘Rule by Fear’

王充 An Iconoclastic Thinker

朱熹 Foremost Neo-Confucian Thinker

黃宗羲 The Chinese Rousseau

王夫之 Enlightenment Thinker

Poets & Writers

屈原 A Great Patriotic Poet

司馬相如 The Poet Who Eloped 

司馬遷 Historiography Father 

曹植 The Poetical Prodigy

王勃 Brief Life, Lasting Fame

陳子昂 Tang Poetry’s Pioneer

李白 The ‘God of Poetry’

杜甫 Suffering Poetry Saint

蘇軾 A Rare, Versatile Scholar

李清照 Ci’s Finest Female Poet

陸游 The Patriot of Poetry

辛棄疾 Lyric Poet and Patriot

關(guān)漢卿 China’s Own Shakespeare

施耐庵 Author Steeped in Mystery

吳承恩 Man behind Monkey King 

曹雪芹 The Author of a Great Classic


玄奘 A Great Buddhist Monk

惠能 Rustic Patriarch

Scientists & Craftsmen

魯班 Legendary Master Carpenter

孫武 Winning Ways of Ancient Strategist

扁鵲 The First Physician in China

蔡倫 Paper Trail Leads to Eunuch Cai

張衡 Inventor of the Seismometer

張仲景 Plague Prompts Doctor’s Work

華佗 A Pioneering Chinese Surgeon

祖沖之 An Early Chinese Star of Astronomy

賈思勰 Scribe of Guide to Farming 

酈道元 Water Writer Plumbs New Depths

孫思邈 The ‘King of Medicine’

畢昇 Inventor of the Movable Type Technology 

沈括 China’s Great Scientific Mind

黃道婆 Granny’s Great Innovations

李時珍 Saint of Medicine and Scribe of Herbs

徐光啟 City’s Son Introduces European Science 

詹天佑 Father of China’s Railways

Painters & Calligraphers

王羲之 Sage of Chinese Calligraphy 

顧愷之 Originator of Chinese Painting

吳道子 Painter’s Death a Tall Tale

鄭燮 An Eccentric Painter

Influential Figures

管仲 Leading Reformer

項羽 A prideful, Tragic Hero 

王昭君 A Beautiful Lady Helps Keep Peace

商鞅 A Great Statesman and Political Reformer

陳勝 Leader of First Peasant Rebellion

諸葛亮 A Godlike Prophet

關(guān)羽 Lord Guan Revered for His Bravery

魏征 Candid Official Earns Great Respect

鑒真 Monk Spreads the Word in Japan

包拯 Iconic Official Who’s Incorruptible

王安石 Statesman with a Gift for Writing

岳飛 A Peerless General and National Hero

文天祥 Hero Stays Loyal to the Bitter End

鄭和 Did the Admiral Discover the New World?

海瑞 Moral Official Dares to Criticize Emperor

戚繼光‘Tiger General’ Stops Japanese Pirates

徐霞客 Intrepid Explorer Keeps a Meticulous Diary

鄭成功 A National Hero Who Recaptures Taiwan

李自成 Shortsighted Military Genius

林則徐 Patriotic Official Fights the Opium Trade

龔自珍 A Reform-minded Official and Poet

李鴻章 Powerful Official Invites Controversy

嚴復(fù) Educator Pushes for Modernization

康有為 Reformer Tries to Change China

蔡元培 Educator Supports Civil Rights Movement

陶行知 A Great Educator and Reformer

Emperors & Empresses

黃帝 Father of This Great Civilization

大禹 Taming the Long and Wild Rivers of China

秦始皇 The ‘First Emperor’ of China

劉邦 Founder of The Powerful Han Dynasty

漢武帝 Insatiable Ambition for Territorial Expansion

曹操 Speak of His Name and He Arrives

李世民 Creator of a Dynastic Golden Age

武則天 The Only Empress Regnant in China’s History

成吉思汗 Founder of the World’s Largest Empire 

朱元璋 From a Beggar to an Emperor 

康熙 Longest Reign Brings Prosperity 

慈禧太后 Mysterious ‘Queen Without a Crown’ 

中國歷史著述(英文版)Ancient Chinese Wisdom


三 字 經(jīng)Three Character Classic

千 字 文Thousand Character Classic

百 家 姓Hundred Family Surnames

周 易Book of Changes

考 工 記The Records of Examination of Craftsmen

山 海 經(jīng)The Classic of Mountains and Seas

四民月令A(yù)ncient Guide Still Yields a Harvest

九章算術(shù)The Nine Chapters on the Mathematical Art

齊民要術(shù)China's First Agricultural Encyclopedia

水 經(jīng) 注Commentary on the Waterways Classic

綴 術(shù)The Method of Interpolation

食療本草Materia Medica for Dietotherapy Contents

茶 經(jīng)The Classic of Tea

酒 經(jīng)The Classic of Wine and Spirits

夢溪筆談Dream Pool Essays

授 時 歷The Season-Granting Calendar

天工開物Tiangong Kaiwu Encyclopedia

農(nóng)政全書A Complete Treatise on Agriculture

黃帝內(nèi)經(jīng)The Yellow Emperor’s Inner Canon

難 經(jīng)Canon of 81 Difficult Medical Issues

傷 寒 論Treatise on Cold Damage Disorders

千金要方Essential Prescriptions in Chinese Medicine

本草綱目Compendium of Materia Medica

春 秋The Spring and Autumn Annals

史 記Records of the Grand Historian

資治通鑒Comprehensive Mirror to Aid in Government

詩 經(jīng)The Book of Songs

離 騷The Lament

說文解字Explaining and Analyzing Characters

文心雕龍The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons

唐 詩Tang Poetry

宋 詞Song Lyric Poetry

西 廂 記Romance of the West Chamber

竇 娥 冤The Injustice to Dou E

牡 丹 亭The Peony Pavilion

西 游 記Journey to the West

水 滸 傳Water Margin

三國演義Romance of the Three Kingdoms

紅 樓 夢A Dream of Red Mansions

金 瓶 梅The Plum in the Golden Vase

聊齋志異Strange Stories of Liaozhai

儒林外史The Scholars

古文觀止The Ultimate Anthology of Ancient Prose

道 德 經(jīng)The Book of Virtue

論 衡Discourses Weighted in the Balance

鹽 鐵 論Discourses on Salt and Iron

金 剛 經(jīng)The Diamond Sutra

壇 經(jīng)The Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch

蘭 亭 序Calligraphy Sage's Crowning Masterpiece

孫子兵法The Art of War

三十六計Thirty-Six Stratagems

徐霞客游記The Travelogue of Xu Xiake

中國歷代著名繪畫作品鑒賞(英文版)Ancient Chinese Wisdom


T型帛畫 T-Shaped Painting on Silk

女史箴圖 Admonitions of the Court Instructress

步輦圖 Emperor Taizong Receiving the Tibetan Envoy

明皇幸蜀圖 Emperor Xuanzong’s Journey to Shu

八十七神仙卷 Eighty-Seven Celestials

照夜白 Night-Shining White

搗練圖 Court Ladies Preparing Newly Woven Silk

五牛圖 Five Oxen

敦煌壁畫 Dunhuang Murals

寫生珍禽圖 Sketches of Birds, Insects and Turtles

韓熙載夜宴圖 Night Revels of Han Xizai

江行初雪圖 Early Snow on the River

溪山行旅圖 Travelers Among Mountains and Streams

春山瑞松圖 Mountains and Pines in Spring

清明上河圖 Along the River During the Qingming Festival

瑞鶴圖 Auspicious Cranes

千里江山圖 A Thousand Li of Rivers and Mountains

貨郎圖 The Knickknack Peddler

潑墨仙人Immortal in Splashed Ink

九龍圖卷 Nine Dragons

紅衣羅漢圖 Monk in a Red Robe

永樂宮壁畫 Yongle Palace Murals

富春山居圖 Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains

楊柳青年畫 Yangliuqing New Year Painting

廬山高圖 Lofty Mount Lu

孟蜀宮妓圖 Court Ladies in the Shu Palace

漢宮春曉圖 Spring Morning in the Han Palace

墨葡萄圖 Grapes

王士敏像 Portrait of Wang Shimin

西廂記版畫插圖 Woodblock Illustrations of a Novel

荷花雙鳧圖 Lotus and Ducks

康熙南巡圖 Emperor Kangxi’s Southern Inspection Tour

清王原祁仿黃公望富春山圖 The Fuchun Mountains

百駿圖 One Hundred Horses

遠山煙竹圖 Misty Bamboo on a Distant Mountain

梅花圖 Plum Blossoms

奔馬圖 Galloping Horse

齊白石蝦圖 Shrimp 

中國神話故事與三十六計(英文版)Ancient Chinese Wisdom


Chinese Mythology

盤古開天地Pangu creates the world

女媧造人Nuwa makes man

女媧補天Nuwa mends the sky

伏羲的故事The works of Fuxi

神農(nóng)的故事Hail the ‘Divine Farmer’

精衛(wèi)填海Jingwei tests the sea

燧人鉆木取火Saved by Fire Fetcher Suiren

夸父追日Kuafu chases the sun

嫘祖的故事Tale as smooth as silk

倉頡造字Birth of a language

后羿射日Sun-birds bake Earth

嫦娥奔月Restless Chang’e flees

鯀盜息壤Gun steals Magic Soil

大禹治水Yu harnesses flooding

瑤姬的故事Goddess Peak of Wushan Mountain

牛郎織女The cowherd and the girl weaver

愚公移山Moving mountains

鐘馗的故事The Demon Queller

十二生肖Zodiac animals

Thirty-Six Stratagems

瞞天過海Deceiving the heavens to cross the sea

圍魏救趙Besieging Wei to save Zhao

借刀殺人Killing with a borrowed knife

以逸待勞Waiting at ease for a worn-out enemy

趁火打劫Looting a house when it’s on fire

聲東擊西Distracting your enemy with s feint

無中生有Creating something out of nothing

暗度陳倉A ruse to divert your enemies

隔岸觀火Sit on your hands and watch others fight

笑里藏刀Hiding a dagger behind a smile

李代桃僵Sacrificing the less valuable

順手牽羊Pilfering a goat in passing

打草驚蛇Startling the snake, or not

借尸還魂The ploy of incarnation

調(diào)虎離山Luring the tiger out of the mountain

欲擒故縱Letting up on your pursuit

拋磚引玉Throw out a brick to attract a piece of jade

擒賊擒王Capture your enemy's leader first

釜底抽薪Remove the burning firewood

渾水摸魚Fishing in turbid waters

金蟬脫殼Ruse of the golden cicada

關(guān)門捉賊Shut the door to catch the thief

遠交近攻Make allies before attacking a neighbor

借道伐虢Defeating one enemy at a time

偷梁換柱Swapping good wood for bad

指桑罵槐The tactic of not directly naming names

假癡不癲Feign inaction before an all-out offensive

上屋抽梯Cutting off escape routes

樹上開花Defending with ‘blossoms’

反客為主Guest outstaying welcome

美人計Beaten by womanly wiles

空城計An empty fortress strategy

反間計Sowing distrust in enemy camp

苦肉計Hurting oneself in order to hurt the enemy

連環(huán)計Multi-ploy scheme at play

走為上計When everything fails, retreat

中國成語故事(英文版)Ancient Chinese Wisdom


按圖索驥 A Winged Steed

百步穿楊 Shooting a Willow Leaf

班門弄斧 Respecting Rank

別開生面 Drawing New Faces

兵不厭詐 Nothing is Too Deceitful in War

博士買驢 A Donkey Receipt

跛鱉千里 A Lame Tortoise Triumphs at Last

滄海桑田 Forever Changing

城門失火 City Gate on Fire

重蹈覆轍 Following the Track

唇亡齒寒 Lips and Teeth

從善如流 Following Good Advice

得隴望蜀 Insatiable Desire

東施效顰 Imitating Beauty

對牛彈琴 Lute Before Cattle

釜底抽薪 Removing Burning Firewood

覆水難收 Spilt Water Lost

高山流水 Finding Source of Inspiration

狗尾續(xù)貂 Wagging the Dog

邯鄲學(xué)步 Learning to Walk

畫虎類犬 Be Tiger or Dog

畫龍點睛 Eyes of the Dragon

畫蛇添足 The Feet Too Far

雞犬升天 Relative Power

狡兔三窟 The Wily Hare

金城湯池 Fortress Tactics

錦囊妙計 A Pouch of Ploys

近水樓臺 Waterfront Towers

舉棋不定 Two Minds' Folly

刻舟求劍 A Lost Sword

困獸猶斗 Like a Cornered Animal

濫竽充數(shù) Playing Off-key

老馬識途 Trust an Old Horse

老生常談 A Mere Platitude

樂不思蜀 Forgetting One's Home

梁上君子 Gentleman on the Beam

兩袖清風(fēng) Clean Hands

鹿死誰手 Who will Take the Deer?

洛陽紙貴 Paper Price Soars

滿城風(fēng)雨 Tempest in a Line

毛遂自薦 Promote Yourself in Due Modesty

門庭若市 Crowded Courtyard

模棱兩可 Pleasing Both Sides the Best Way to Survive

鳥盡弓藏 When Birds Are Gone

拋磚引玉 Ploys to Collect Gems

破釜沉舟 The No-way-out Order

旗鼓相當 A Match of Flags and drums

騎虎難下 Plight of Riding a Tiger

歧路亡羊 Pick a Path and Stay on Course

杞人憂天 Easing Anxious States

千萬買鄰 True Value of Neighbors

黔驢技窮 The Guizhou Donkey

強弩之末 A Powerful Crossbow

青云直上 Meteoric Rise in Rank

請君入甕 Torture by Own Design

罄竹難書 Not Enough Bamboo

人杰地靈 Inspiring Greatness

塞翁失馬 Relativity of Hidden Values

三顧茅廬 Three Calls at the Thatched Cottage

三人成虎 Lies Turning into Truths

死灰復(fù)燃 Dying Ashes Flare up

四面楚歌 Mournful Songs

守口如瓶 Tight-lipped Counsel

守株待兔 Hare-brained

水滴石穿 Art of Water Torture

水深火熱 Water or Fire Option

太公釣魚 Fishing Hookless

貪生怕死 Imperial Indulgences

螳臂當車 The Praying Mantis

螳螂捕蟬 Wasted Warnings

天羅地網(wǎng) Dragnet of Deception

天衣無縫 The Heavenly Dress

鐵杵成針 Li Needled into Action

投鼠忌器 Spare a Rat for a Vase

完璧歸趙 Defending the Stone

玩物喪志 Folly of the Senses

亡羊補牢 Never Too Late to Fix

望梅止渴 The Power of Illusions

危如累卵 An Eggy Tale of Risk

味如雞肋 Chicken Ribs Maneuver

未雨綢繆 Duke's Poetic Advice

臥薪嘗膽 Biding Time for Revenge

物以類聚 Birds of a Feather

相煎太急 From Brotherly Beans

胸有成竹 Life Lesson from Artist

懸梁刺股 Studies Can Be Painful

掩耳盜鈴 Stealing a Bell

葉公好龍 A Dragon Passion

一鳴驚人 The First Sweet Song

一諾千金 Worth Weight in Gold

一丘之貉 Outspoken to Death

一葉障目 Leaf of Sad Illusion

飲鴆止渴 Poisoned Wine Relief

游刃有余 Master of His Cleaver

愚公移山 Moving Mountains

鷸蚌相爭 Third Party Thinking

越俎代庖 Stay out of the Kitchen

自相矛盾 Spear and Shield

朝三暮四 Monkeying Around

縱虎歸山 Setting the Tiger Free



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