國(guó)際學(xué)校閱讀單 | 想要讀的跟潮流,有了這個(gè)就夠了?。ㄒ唬?/h1>

2016-10-9 10:40 原創(chuàng) · 圖片22

熊貓英文圖書獎(jiǎng)(Panda Book Awards) 始于2008年。當(dāng)時(shí),來自北京的幾大國(guó)際學(xué)校的圖書管理員們,為了幫助孩子們找到當(dāng)前流行的,受歡迎的書目,組成了熊貓獎(jiǎng)委員會(huì)(Panda Awards Steering Committee)。 首先,這些老師們,自己先讀各種書,不同年齡段,不同題材,不同流派,不同風(fēng)格。之后,一起討論,評(píng)價(jià),篩選,同時(shí)也參考其他老師,學(xué)生的推薦。最后,列出一份精挑細(xì)選的,緊跟圖書界國(guó)際潮流的,涵蓋多樣主題的,英文進(jìn)階圖書清單。一共四個(gè)年齡段,每個(gè)段,8到10本書。




The Panda Book Awards Shortlists 2016-2017

Books are listed in alphabetical order by author

Younger Readers (EC3-Grade 2) 3歲班-2年級(jí)

Chengdu Could Not, Would Not, Fall Asleep ▼


High in the trees in the middle of the night, all of the pandas are sleeping except for Chengdu, who tries everything and still cannot fall asleep until he finds the perfect spot atop his brother, Yuan.

深夜,身邊的小伙伴們都睡得打鼾了,一只叫做Chengdu的小熊貓卻翻來覆去睡不著。 于是,它使了一點(diǎn)小把戲,把失眠蟲甩給了它的brother,Yuan。 

Pig The Pug


Pig is the greediest Pug in the world. He is bad-tempered, rude and he never, ever shares. One day, Pig’s greed finally backfires and something unexpected happens to him. Will Pig the Pug learn his lesson at last? A hilarious picture book about learning to share.

Pig, 應(yīng)該是這個(gè)世界上最貪心的哈巴狗了。它脾氣很壞,又沒有禮貌,更糟糕的是,它竟然一點(diǎn)都不懂得分享。有一天,因?yàn)樨澬?,意外發(fā)生,Pig也被狠狠地被教訓(xùn)了一頓??墒?,Pig會(huì)從此知錯(cuò)就改嗎?這是一個(gè)關(guān)于分享的故事。

The Day the Crayons Came Home


Companion book to: The Day the Crayons Quit. One day, Duncan is happily coloring with his crayons when a stack of postcards arrives in the mail from his former crayons, each of which has run away or been left behind, and all of which want to come home.

這本書是和 The Day the Crayons Quit 配套來的。Duncan開心地用蠟筆涂顏色,突然,收到一沓明信片,而寄件人居然是前不久要么棄他而去離家出走,要么被他扔掉的蠟筆們。現(xiàn)在,每一個(gè),都哭著嚷著要回家。

Stick & Stone


Stick and Stone are both lonely until Pinecone’s teasing causes one to stick up for the other, and a solid friendship is formed.


The Cleo Stories 1: The Necklace and the Present


Meet Cleo, a memorable character created by Libby Gleeson and Freya Blackwood. Delightful, warm and irresistible, these stories show how a little girl with a big imagination can always find a way to have fun.


You Are (Not) Small


Two fuzzy creatures can’t agree on who is small and who is big, until a couple of surprise guests show up, settling it once and for all!


My Two Blankets  


A little girl nicknamed “Cartwheel” moves to a different country where she and her family can all be safe, but Cartwheel has a hard time adjusting to her new home. Everything is strange: the animals, the plants, even the wind. An old blanket gives Cartwheel comfort when she is sad and a new blanket just might change her world. This multicultural story of friendship is about leaving home, moving to a foreign and strange place, and finding a new friend. It's a story for all who have experienced change.


Finding Winnie  


Before there was Winnie-the-Pooh, there was a real bear named Winnie. In 1914, Harry Colebourn, a vet on his way to tend horses in World War I, followed his heart and rescued a baby bear. He named her Winnie, and he took her to the war.

Harry Colebourn's real-life great-granddaughter tells the true story of a remarkable friendship and an even more remarkable journey - from the fields of Canada to an army base in England, and finally to London Zoo, where Winnie made another new friend - a boy named Christopher Robin Milne. . .

這是一個(gè)真實(shí)的故事。Harry Coleburn,在前往歐洲參加一戰(zhàn)途中,從獵人手里救下一頭小熊,給它起名“維尼”,并帶著它一起上路。Harry 現(xiàn)實(shí)生活中的曾外孫女,在這個(gè)故事里,講述了一段不可思議的友情故事,以及更加不可思議的旅程, 從加拿大廣袤的平原,到英國(guó)的軍營(yíng)。最終,Harry和維尼抵達(dá)倫敦動(dòng)物園。維尼在這里有了一個(gè)新朋友Christopher,而Christopher的父親是一位作家,他根據(jù)此創(chuàng)作了一系列童話故事,于是便有了后來家喻戶曉的《小熊維尼》。

Nerdy Birdy ▼


Nerdy Birdy likes reading, video games, and reading about video games, which immediately disqualifies him for membership in the cool crowd. One thing is clear: being a nerdy birdy is a lonely life style.

When he's at his lowest point, Nerdy Birdy meets a flock just like him. He has friends and discovers that there are far more nerdy birdies than cool birdies in the sky.

Nerdy Birdy喜歡看書,喜歡打電子游戲,喜歡看關(guān)于打電子游戲的書。這樣的一個(gè)小書呆子,酷家族的伙伴們,根本不愿帶它玩。Nerdy Birdy非常郁悶,感覺人生都沒啥希望了??墒?,有一天,它遇到了一群鳥,驚喜發(fā)現(xiàn),天,原來它并不是獨(dú)一個(gè)!

Waiting Is Not Easy


Piggie tells Gerald she has a surprise for him, but it is not there yet. Gerald must be patient, and it is very difficult!

Piggie給Gerald準(zhǔn)備了一份驚喜,但是,Gerald得等等, 因?yàn)槎Y物還在路上。可是,Gerald最做不來的事就是等待啊!


Middle Readers (Grade 3-5) 3-5年級(jí)

The War That Saved My Life ▼


Nine-year-old Ada has never left her one-room apartment. Her mother is too humiliated by Ada’s twisted foot to let her outside. So when her little brother Jamie is shipped out of London to escape the war, Ada doesn’t waste a minute - she sneaks out to join him.

So begins a new adventure of Ada, and for Susan Smith, the woman who is forced to take the two kids in. As Ada teaches herself to ride a pony, learns to read, and watches for German spies, she begins to trust Susan - and Susan begins to love Ada and Jamie. But in the end, will their bond be enough to hold them together through war time? Or will Ada and her brother fall back into the cruel hands of their mother?


新的冒險(xiǎn)于是開始了。陰差陽錯(cuò)地,Susan被迫成為Ada和弟弟的接管人。Ada學(xué)會(huì)了騎馬,學(xué)會(huì)了認(rèn)字,也學(xué)會(huì)了如何去提防德國(guó)間諜。逐漸地,她開始信任Susan, Susan也慢慢地喜歡上這兩個(gè)孩子??墒牵@樣戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)中的一種連結(jié),又會(huì)持續(xù)多久呢?Ada和弟弟,最后會(huì)不會(huì)還得落在他們那個(gè)冷血狠毒的媽媽手上呢?

The War That Saved My Life 是2016年紐伯瑞兒童文學(xué)獎(jiǎng)三部銀獎(jiǎng)作品之一。2016年共有四部作品入選,一個(gè)金獎(jiǎng),三個(gè)銀獎(jiǎng)。其中銀獎(jiǎng)部分,這篇推文里都會(huì)提到。

Enormous Smallness: A Story of E. E. Cummings


An illustrated, brief overview of the life of E. E. Cummings. Here E.E.'s life is presented in a way that will make children curious about him and will lead them to play with words and ask plenty of questions as well. Lively and informative, the book also presents some of Cummings's most wonderful poems, integrating them seamlessly into the story to give the reader the music of his voice and a spirited, sensitive introduction to his poetry.

這是一本介紹美國(guó)詩人肯明思 (E.E. Cummings) 的書。奇妙處在于,既生動(dòng)又詳細(xì)地描述肯明思的這一生,同時(shí),也潤(rùn)物細(xì)無聲地激發(fā)孩子們的思考,讓他們問出一連串的問題。書中所節(jié)選的詩歌,更是一步一步引導(dǎo)孩子們?nèi)ンw驗(yàn)文字的神奇力量。



肯明斯有些詩集的題名離奇古怪, 詩行參差不齊, 在語法和用詞上也是別出心裁。詞語任意分裂,標(biāo)點(diǎn)符號(hào)異乎尋常,除了強(qiáng)調(diào)一般不用大寫,將“I”寫成“i”, 將自己的名字寫成了“e.e.cummings”, 因此他又常常被稱為“小寫的肯明思” 。

Somebody on This Bus Is Going to Be Famous


During a torrential rainstorm, a school bus goes off the road. With the driver unconscious, it is up to her passengers to try to rescue each other and go for help.


The Astounding Broccoli Boy


After Rory suddenly and inexplicably turns green, he is sent to be studied by scientists. The doctors are just as baffled as Rory is, and that’s when he begins to wonder: What if this isn’t caused by his genes, or a virus, or something he ate? What if it’s something even more extraordinary? After all, more than a few superheroes’ careers began when they turned green. Could this be a sign that he’s meant for something greater? Rory is going to find out - and that’s going to start with escaping from the hospital. 


The Imaginary


Rudger is Amanda‘s imaginary friend. Nobody else can see Rudger - until the evil Mr. Bunting arrives at Amanda's door. Mr. Bunting hunts imaginaries. Rumor has it that he even eats them. And now he's found Rudger.

Soon Rudger is alone, and running for his imaginary life. He needs to find Amanda before Mr. Bunting catches him, and before Amanda forgets him and he fades away to nothing. But how can an unreal boy stand alone in the real world?

Rudger是Amanda想象出來的玩伴。除了Amanda外,沒人可以看到他,直到有一天一個(gè)叫做Mr. Bunting的人來到Amanda家門前。Mr. Bunting專門抓那些假想人,據(jù)說他還會(huì)把他們統(tǒng)統(tǒng)給吃掉。現(xiàn)在,Mr. Bunting發(fā)現(xiàn)了Rudger, 他的下一步行動(dòng)就是要抓到他。

為了躲避Mr. Bunting, Rudger拼命地逃。他不想被抓住,不想被Amada忘記,更不想從此消失掉,所以無論如何,他都要找到Amanda??墒?,像他這樣一個(gè)不真實(shí)的人,在這樣一個(gè)真實(shí)的世界中,又該如何堅(jiān)持下去呢?

Sunny Side Up


After her older brother starts acting strangely, Sunny Lewin is shipped off to Florida to spend the summer with her grandfather. Sunny is sure that she is the one to blame for the way her brother is acting. Most of all, she wants things to go back to the way they were before.

哥哥突然間變得很怪異,因此,暑假的時(shí)候,Sunny就被送到了在佛羅里達(dá)的爺爺家。 Sunny覺得,哥哥變成這樣,都是她的錯(cuò),她想讓一切都回到從前。

Roller Girl


For most of her twelve years, Astrid has done everything with her best friend Nicole. But after Astrid falls in love with roller derby and signs up for derby camp, Nicole decides to go to dance camp instead. And so begins the most difficult summer of Astrid's life as she struggles to keep up with the older girls at camp, hang on to the friend she feels slipping away, and cautiously embark on a new friendship. As the end of summer nears and her first roller derby bout (and junior high!) draws closer, Astrid realizes that maybe she is strong enough to handle the bout, a lost friendship, and middle school… in short, strong enough to be a roller girl.

在她十二年的大部分時(shí)間里,Astrid和她的好朋友Nicole都形影不離。后來Astrid愛上了輪滑,還報(bào)名參加了輪滑夏令營(yíng)??墒荖icole不愿一起去,她選擇去跳舞。于是,兩個(gè)發(fā)小就這么分開,各做各的。這樣的情形讓Astrid感到很糾結(jié),一方面,自己得努力跟上營(yíng)地里那些大姐姐們的節(jié)奏,另一方面,還得維持好和Nicole的關(guān)系,不至于兩人變得更生疏。暑假結(jié)束前,Astrid有場(chǎng)輪滑比賽要打。日子一天天接近時(shí),Astrid也逐漸意識(shí)到,或許自己并沒有那么弱,她是可以處理好眼下這一切的,比賽也好,朋友相處也好,中學(xué)生活也好,更重要的是,做一個(gè)真正的roller girl!

Roller Girl出版后就獲得了五星評(píng)級(jí),也是2016年紐伯瑞兒童文學(xué)獎(jiǎng)銀獎(jiǎng)作品之一。作者Victoria Jamieson巧妙地將各種主題融入到故事中,關(guān)于友誼,關(guān)于堅(jiān)持,關(guān)于girl power (女孩力量)!



Lost and alone in a forbidden forest, Otto meets three mysterious sisters and suddenly finds himself entwined in a puzzling quest involving a prophecy, a promise, and a harmonica. 

Decades later, Friedrich in Germany, Mike in Pennsylvania, and Ivy in California each, in turn, become interwoven when the very same harmonica lands in their lives. All the children face daunting challenges: rescuing a father, protecting a brother, holding a family together. And ultimately, pulled by the invisible thread of destiny, their suspenseful solo stories converge in an orchestral crescendo. 


筆鋒一轉(zhuǎn),來到20世紀(jì)。三條故事線,來自德國(guó)的Friedrich, 賓州的Mike,還有加州的Ivy。這三人,每一個(gè)都面臨著困境,要救爸爸,要保護(hù)弟弟,要把支離破碎的家庭重新組建。命運(yùn),雖無形,卻冥冥中牽引。最后,因?yàn)橐恢Э谇?,三人的人生就此連結(jié)。

在講故事的同時(shí),《回聲》這本書,也將大的歷史背景融入其中:德國(guó)納粹的崛起,美國(guó)經(jīng)濟(jì)的大蕭條,以及二戰(zhàn)的爆發(fā)。作者Pam Ryan,無論在故事體裁,表現(xiàn)形式,還是在敘述方式上,都進(jìn)行了一次獨(dú)特創(chuàng)新,讓人驚嘆,原來故事還可以這樣寫的!同樣,這部作品,也獲得了2016年紐伯瑞兒童文學(xué)獎(jiǎng)銀獎(jiǎng)。

The Marvels


The journey begins at sea in 1766, with a boy named Billy Marvel. After surviving a shipwreck, he finds work in a London theatre. There, his family flourishes for generations as brilliant actors until 1900, when young Leontes Marvel is banished from the stage. 

Nearly a century later, runaway Joseph Jervis seeks refuge with an uncle in London. Albert Nightingale's strange, beautiful house, with its mysterious portraits and ghostly presences, captivates Joseph and leads him on a search for clues about the house, his family, and the past. 


故事開始于1766年的一 場(chǎng)海難。死里逃生的Bill Marvel在倫敦一家劇院找到一份差事。之后,因?yàn)榻艹龅难堇[才華,Marvel這個(gè)家族也不斷發(fā)展壯大起來,成為讓人矚目的表演世家。而輝煌,止于1900年,年輕的Leontes Marvel被人從舞臺(tái)上趕了下去。。。

大概一個(gè)世紀(jì)后,Joseph Jervis和叔叔,一路逃到倫敦去避難。在那里,Joseph發(fā)現(xiàn)了一棟房子。這個(gè)屬于Albert Nightinggale的房子,樣子很奇怪,但又很漂亮。里面有好多肖像,神秘中又帶有一絲恐懼。 這一切都深深地吸引著Joseph。他順著線索,一步一步,最終發(fā)現(xiàn)一個(gè)秘密,關(guān)于這個(gè)房子,關(guān)于他的家族,以及那久遠(yuǎn)的過去。

My Life as a Gamer


Derek Fallon gets the chance of a lifetime when he is asked to test software for new video games, but he soon discovers that his dream job isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Derek Fallon得到一個(gè)千載難逢的機(jī)會(huì),為一款新出的電子游戲做測(cè)試。但是很快,他就發(fā)現(xiàn),這個(gè)他夢(mèng)寐以求的工作,并不像人們說得那樣好。。。



? Older Readers: Grades 6-8 (6-8年級(jí),共8本)

? Mature Readers: Grades 9-12 (9-12年級(jí),共8本)

關(guān)于安妮何:國(guó)際學(xué)校里,蹦跶十二年。技術(shù)流寫文,有理論,有示范,有講解,用輕松又柔軟的言語闡述復(fù)雜的學(xué)術(shù)理論。運(yùn)營(yíng)同名公眾號(hào):安妮何(ID:Miss_Annie_He )

回應(yīng)16 舉報(bào)
暖暖媽媽 這書從哪買呀,高大上!
有一部分可以從亞馬遜網(wǎng)可以買到,www.amazon.cn, 有一部分處于缺貨預(yù)訂狀態(tài)。不過,有神器淘寶,可以搜索一下。
tessatwo 不知道適合多大孩子,要是有內(nèi)圖就好了
這里面有兩個(gè)粗略的年齡段,前十本,是針對(duì)3歲班到2年級(jí)。從The War That Saved My Life 那里,是針對(duì)3年級(jí)到5年級(jí)。在亞馬遜網(wǎng)上,有的書,提供了內(nèi)圖。搜索一下看。??
