
2021-9-2 21:55 原創(chuàng) · 圖片4

Since last time Lawrence claimed he didn’t want to draw, it’s been a month. Feeling stressful, i kept encouraging myself: sooner or later, this hatred of drawing caused by me will pass.

Finally we got abundant time today. I know it’s time to inspire him to pick up the painting brush again.    

Fire, smoke and a running man.

But this time i really need to bear in my mind that:

培養(yǎng)孩子從畫畫開始3368人有 · 評價309 · 書評69(日) 鳥居昭美 著;于群 譯漓江出版社 / 2010-11

1. Forcing him to draw what i want is a mistake. 

2. Showing him the image of anything is a bad idea. Even my drawing!

3. No asking all the time what he is drawing because that might bother him and most importantly, he might have no idea what he is trying to draw.

A wet dog’s?? footprint.

Yet what i found hard to bear is that he kept putting the paint directly on the paper without putting them on the plate in advance. That wastes money. 

Also i found difficult to step back when he was trying to tape the two pieces of paper and then cut it!

Luckily I didn’t stop him and i felt surprised that he actually cut out the shape of the front of a truck.

The yellow part is the light.

And he found it was a mistake to squeeze out the paint directly on the paper after he put yellow paint more than enough .

回應(yīng)4 舉報
家庭早教 瑤瑤老師 我居然看完了
也深深的察覺到了he might have no idea what he is trying to draw.所以我還是會引導(dǎo)一下,但不強求了
嘛嘛愛你 也深深的察覺到了he might have no idea what he is trying to draw.所以我還是會...

