手把手教你雙語(yǔ)閱讀牛津閱讀樹(shù)一階 1-37 《The Sandcastle》

2020-3-5 21:04 原創(chuàng) · 圖片8


In today's story, the Kipper family go to the beach and the children make an amazing sandcastle together, let's go see it. (在今天的故事中,Kipper一家人去沙灘了,孩子們合力堆了一個(gè)超級(jí)棒的沙堡,我們一起看看去~)

Cover Page

MM:看封面:On the front cover, we can see that children, they are Kipper, Biff, Chip as well as Mum. What are they looking at? What's that on the wall? 封面上,我們可以看到孩子們,有Kipper,Biff,Chip還有媽媽。他們?cè)诳词裁茨??墻上貼的是什么呢?(who&what:誰(shuí)?在做什么?)

BB:They are looking at the poster on the wall. 他們?cè)诳磯ι腺N的一張海報(bào)呢。

MM:Yes,then what can you see on the poster? 是噠,那么在海報(bào)上你能看到什么呢?(引導(dǎo)孩子仔細(xì)觀察海報(bào))

BB:I can see a big castle on the poster, and there is a flag on the top of the castle. 海報(bào)上有一個(gè)大大的城堡,最上面還有一面小旗子呢。

MM:Wow, that is a big, huge, giant sandcastle. Do you like to make sandcastles? Where can you make one? 哇,好大一個(gè)沙堡啊。你喜歡堆沙堡么?通常你會(huì)在哪里堆沙堡呢?(引導(dǎo)孩子聯(lián)系自己的喜好和日常生活經(jīng)驗(yàn))


BB:I love to make sandcastles, and so do Peppa and George. And usually I can make a sandcastle at the beach. 我很喜歡堆沙堡,而且小豬佩奇和弟弟喬治也喜歡。通常在沙灘可以堆沙堡。(引導(dǎo)寶寶聯(lián)系喜歡的動(dòng)畫(huà)片人物)

MM:Great. Now let's read the words on the poster: Enter the Sandcastle Competition. Wow, there will be a sandcastle competition. And the time and place are Saturday at the beach. 說(shuō)的太好啦。現(xiàn)在我們來(lái)讀一讀海報(bào)上的文字吧。上面說(shuō):進(jìn)入沙堡比賽吧。說(shuō)明這是個(gè)比賽邀請(qǐng),將會(huì)有個(gè)堆沙子城堡的比賽,邀請(qǐng)大家參加呢。時(shí)間和地點(diǎn)是周六,在沙灘。

(拓展:If you want to hold a competition or throw a party or an event, you need to make a poster or invitation, on which you will have to make the name of the competition or party, as well as the time and place. 如果你想要舉辦一個(gè)比賽或者派對(duì),就需要做一個(gè)海報(bào)或者邀請(qǐng)函,上面需要寫(xiě)明比賽或者派對(duì)的名稱(chēng),以及舉辦的時(shí)間和地點(diǎn))

MM:We can see that the kids are looking at this poster with a smily and forward-looking face, I think they will sign up for the competition and look forward to it. 我們可以看到孩子們都面帶微笑和期盼地眼神看著海報(bào),我想他們會(huì)報(bào)名參加比賽,而且期盼著這個(gè)比賽吧。

sign up for sth: 報(bào)名參加...

MM:Let's read the title now:The Sandcastle. 標(biāo)題:沙子城堡

Page 1

MM:On Page 1, we can see the family come to the beach. I'm sure this is the beach where the sandcastle competition will be held, do you know how I can tell that? 這一頁(yè)上,我們可以看到Kipper他們?nèi)襾?lái)到沙灘了。我可以肯定,這個(gè)沙灘就是要舉辦堆沙堡比賽的沙灘,你知道我是怎么知道的么?

BB:From the board behind them, and on the board it says "Sandcastle competition". 從他們身后的那個(gè)牌子上看出來(lái)的,牌子上寫(xiě)著"堆沙堡比賽"。

MM:Wow, you are great, now you can tell that, too. Let's look at the family. Chip is holding a huge box and walking in front. Do you think the box is full and heavy? Can you see what Biff and Kipper are holding? 你說(shuō)的太對(duì)啦,現(xiàn)在你也看出來(lái)啦。我們來(lái)看看他們這一家人吧。Chip呢,拿著一個(gè)大箱子走在最前面。你覺(jué)得他拿的這個(gè)大箱子是裝滿東西的很重的一個(gè)箱子么?你能看到Biff和Kipper手里拿著什么嗎?

BB:No, I don't think so. I think this box isempty, look, the box is open, so there isnothingin the box. And both Biff and Kipper are holding a bucket and aspade. 我不覺(jué)得這是個(gè)裝滿東西的很重的箱子。相反我覺(jué)得這個(gè)箱子是空的。你看,這個(gè)箱子是打開(kāi)的呢,所以里面并沒(méi)有東西。Biff和Kipper他們各拿了一個(gè)鏟子和一個(gè)小桶。

這里用nothing in the box來(lái)解釋empty,不僅讓娃更容易理解什么叫empty,以后在碰到類(lèi)似的情況也能運(yùn)用出來(lái)。當(dāng)然,更好的方法是,準(zhǔn)備兩個(gè)瓶子或者箱子,一個(gè)滿的,一個(gè)空的,用full和empty一對(duì)比就更加清楚明了。


MM:Look at Mum, she is walking behind the kids and she has two bags in her hands. What do you think there will be in the bags? 你看媽媽?zhuān)咴诤⒆觽兩砗?,手里還拿著兩個(gè)包。你覺(jué)得她的包里會(huì)裝著什么呢?

BB:I think she will have bread, or maybe sandwiches, water, and maybe a mat or rug. All these are necessary when you go to the beach. 我覺(jué)得她會(huì)裝些面包,也可能是三明治,水,可能還有一個(gè)小毯子。去沙灘玩的話,這些東西都是很有必要的。

MM:Wonderful. Now let's read this page:Chip had a box. Chip拿了一個(gè)箱子。

Page 2-3

MM:What are the kids doing now? 孩子們現(xiàn)在在做什么呢?

BB:They begin to make a sandcastle. 他們開(kāi)始堆沙堡了。

MM:Yes, right. Now we can see there is sand in the big box. How do you think they put sand in the box? By using hands? 是噠。我們可以看到大箱子里面有沙子了。那你覺(jué)得他們?cè)趺窗焉匙臃胚M(jìn)箱子里的呢?是用手么?

BB:No, I think they use the bucket, since this is better, faster and more efficient. 沒(méi)有沒(méi)有,我覺(jué)得他們應(yīng)該用的是小桶,因?yàn)檫@樣的話,就更好、更快、還更有效率。

MM:I think you are right. And we can also see that they are patting the sand, in order to make it firm. 嗯嗯,是噠。我們還可以看到他們幾個(gè)在拍沙子呢,為的是讓沙子緊實(shí)一點(diǎn)。

MM:Let's read:He put sand in it.  "Pat it flat," he said. 他把沙子放進(jìn)去。他說(shuō):拍平一點(diǎn)。

MM:Around them, we can also see other kids making sandcastles, right? 在他們周?chē)兀覀冞€可以看見(jiàn)其他人也在堆沙堡呢,對(duì)吧?

Page 4-5

MM:Here we can see that using the big empty box, Chip made the bottom part of the sandcastle.  在這里我們可以看到Chip用那個(gè)大的空箱子做了沙堡最下面的部分。

MM:What is Kipper doing now? Kipper現(xiàn)在做什么呢?

BB:He is putting sand in a smaller box by using a bucket. I can tell that they are going to make a very big sandcastle. 他正用一個(gè)小桶往一個(gè)稍微小點(diǎn)的箱子里面裝沙子。我可以預(yù)測(cè)他們要做一個(gè)非常大的沙堡。

MM:Yeah, I think you are right, this sandcastle has at least two stories. 是啊,我覺(jué)得你是對(duì)的,這個(gè)沙堡至少是2層的。

MM:Can you see what Mum and Dad are doing now? And how about the kids around them? 你能看到媽媽和爸爸在干嘛嗎?周?chē)钠渌⒆幽兀?span style="color:rgb(95,156,239);">(引導(dǎo)孩子觀察圖片)

BB:Mum is reading a book, and she loves reading books. Dad takes off his socks, maybe sand goes into his socks. And around them, I can see other kids building sandcastles, too. 媽媽在看書(shū),她很喜歡看書(shū)。爸爸把襪子脫掉了,可能襪子里面進(jìn)沙子了吧。在他們周?chē)€有其他的孩子也在堆沙堡。(堆沙堡可以說(shuō)make a sandcastle,也可以說(shuō)build a sandcastle)

MM:You are great. Now let's read Page 4-5:Kipper had a box. He put sand in it.說(shuō)的太好了?,F(xiàn)在我們來(lái)讀一讀這兩頁(yè):Kipper有個(gè)盒子。他把沙子放進(jìn)去。

Page 6-7

MM:Wow, look, they have made two stories of sandcastle. Do you think they are going to make the third story? How can you tell? 快看,他們做成了兩層的沙堡了。你覺(jué)得他們會(huì)堆第三層么?你是怎么知道的呢?

BB:Yes, I do, I think they will make a third story, since Biff now is putting sand in the bucket. I think she is going to make the third story. 是噠,我覺(jué)得他們會(huì)堆第三層,因?yàn)楝F(xiàn)在Biff正往小桶里面裝沙子呢,我覺(jué)得她正準(zhǔn)備堆第三層。

MM:I agree with you. 我的想法和你的一樣呢。

同樣的表達(dá)還可以用:We share the same opinion. 或者I'm with you. 或者I couldn't agree more. 或者Great minds think alike.

MM:Look, Kipper is so happy to take the small box off the sandcastle. And now Mum and Dad are looking at them. 你看,Kipper把小箱子從沙堡上拿下來(lái)的時(shí)候好開(kāi)心啊。現(xiàn)在媽媽和爸爸都在看著他們呢。

MM: Let's read: Biff had a bucket. She put sand in it. Biff有個(gè)小桶。她把沙子裝進(jìn)去。

Page 8-9

MM:Look at the kids, we got it right. Biff puts the bucket on top of the sandcastle, making the third layer. 看看這些孩子們,我們剛才猜對(duì)了呢。Biff把小桶放在沙堡的最上面,堆成第三層啦。

MM:The third layer has just the shape of the bucket, right? It looks so pretty, and it looks very much like a real castle. 第三層的形狀跟桶的形狀一樣呢,對(duì)吧??雌饋?lái)好漂亮呢,特別像一個(gè)真正的城堡。

MM:Can you see what Kipper is doing? And how about other kids and Mum? 你能看到Kipper在做什么嗎?其他孩子和媽媽在做什么呢?

BB:Kipper is putting shells on the sandcastle for decoration, and there are many other kids around them watching, I think they are all admiring this sandcastle. Kipper正往沙堡上放貝殼,為了裝飾吧。周?chē)鷩撕脦讉€(gè)孩子,他們都一臉敬佩的表情。

And Mum is taking a picture of them, maybe for remembering this moment or their creativity. 媽媽拿起相機(jī)記錄下這一刻,也記錄下他們的作品。

MM: Let's read: Biff put the bucket on top. "Good," she said. Biff把桶放在最上面。她說(shuō):很好。

Page 10-11

MM:Here we can see more and more kids come to see their castle. How do you think this castle? 在這里我們可以看到越來(lái)越多的孩子們圍過(guò)來(lái)看他們的沙堡了。你覺(jué)得他們堆的怎么樣?

BB:In my opinion, they are amazing, and this castle is amazing. 在我看來(lái),他們棒極了,這個(gè)沙堡也贊極了。

MM:Let's take a close look at their sancastle. It has three stories, little rocks and shells for decoration, stairs as well as a Britain flag. 我們來(lái)仔細(xì)看看這個(gè)沙堡。它有三層,有小石頭和貝殼作裝飾,有臺(tái)階,最上面還有個(gè)英國(guó)國(guó)旗。


MM:Wow, it IS amazing. We can give them a big thumbs-up. 哇,確實(shí)太贊啦。我們給他們豎個(gè)大拇指吧。

MM: Let's read: It was a sandcastle. It was a good sandcastle. 這是一個(gè)沙堡,而且是一個(gè)很好的沙堡。

Page 12

MM:Here comes the most exciting moment. Time to anounce the best sandcastle. Who made the best sandcastle do you think? 最激動(dòng)人心的時(shí)刻來(lái)啦,要宣布最好的沙堡啦。你覺(jué)得誰(shuí)做的沙堡是最好的呢?

BB:Kipper and his brother and sister have made the best sandcastle. Kipper他們做的沙堡是最好噠。

MM:Yes, you are right. We can see the judge is putting the first rose medel on their sandcastle. 回答正確。我們可以看到裁判正把第一名的玫瑰獎(jiǎng)?wù)路旁谒麄兊纳潮ど夏亍?/p>

MM:Their Mum and Dad must be so proud of them, and they must be so proud of themselves. 他們的爸爸媽媽肯定為他們感到驕傲極了,他們肯定也自豪極了。

MM: Let's read: It was the best sandcastle. 這是最好的沙堡。

After Story


——Let's make a sandcastle.

First put sand into the bucket.

Then put the bucket upside down.

Tap it with your hand.

Then lift the bucket up, you will get a sandcastle.



回應(yīng)9 舉報(bào)
zz復(fù)zz 一階孩子才多大啊,做不到這樣子
一米陽(yáng)光光 謝謝分享????????
我是希希媽 收藏了再來(lái)慢慢看,謝謝分享

