增加口語(yǔ)輸入,這樣親子閱讀牛津樹 一階 Go Away, Cat

2020-2-27 16:16 原創(chuàng) · 圖片6

今天的故事名字叫《Go Away, Cat》(貓咪,走開)。In today's story, the kids see a cat in the garden, and they warn it about Floppy the dog, does the cat go away? Let's go check it out. (在今天的故事中,Kipper他們發(fā)現(xiàn)花園里來(lái)了一只貓咪,他們警告貓咪狗狗Floppy來(lái)了,貓咪會(huì)走開么?我們一起去看看~)

Cover Page

MM:What's that in the grass? (草地上是什么呀?)

BB:A cat, and it is sleeping. (一只貓咪,在睡覺(jué)呢)

MM:Yes, we can see a cat in the backyard, and what are the kids doing? (是噠,我們?cè)诤笤嚎吹揭恢回堖?,那孩子們?cè)谧鍪裁茨兀?

BB:They are standing inside the house looking at the cat through the door. (他們正站在屋里透過(guò)玻璃門看這只貓咪呢)

MM: Why are they looking at the cute cat? (為什么他們要盯著貓咪看呢?)

MM: Let's read the title: Go Away, Cat ("走開,貓咪")

MM:Why do you think what they to cute cat to go away? Let's read along. (你覺(jué)得他們?yōu)槭裁匆屵@么可愛(ài)的貓咪走開呢?讓我們繼續(xù)往下讀)

Page 1

MM:On Page 1, we can see that the little black cat is still curling up in the grass, and Biff is standing biside him, and she is waving one hand, what do you think she is saying? (第1頁(yè)上,我們可以看到小黑貓仍然蜷曲在草地上,Biff站在他的身邊,揮動(dòng)著一只手,你覺(jué)得她在跟貓咪說(shuō)什么?)

BB:I have no idea. (我不知道哦)

MM: Let's read this page to see: Go away, little cat. (我們來(lái)讀一讀這一頁(yè)就知道了:走開吧,小貓咪)

MM:Oh, Biff is waving her hand to ask this little black cat to go away, and look at the little cat, we know that just now his two eyes are closed and he is fast asleep, how about now? (噢,Biff擺手讓小黑貓走開呢??聪逻@只小貓咪,我們知道剛才呢他兩只眼睛都閉著睡著了,那么現(xiàn)在呢?)

BB:Now he has one eye open, and the other one closed. (現(xiàn)在他睜開了一支眼,另一只眼還閉著呢)

MM:Do you think the little cat will listen to Biff and go away? (你覺(jué)得他會(huì)聽Biff的,走開么?)

BB:Maybe, maybe not. (可能會(huì),也可能不會(huì))

MM:And can you see Kipper? He is standing at the half-open door. What is he going to do? (看到Kipper了么?他正站在半開的門旁邊呢,你覺(jué)得他會(huì)做什么呢?)

Page 2-3

MM:Page 2-3, we can see that now Kipper comes out from the house and comes to the cat, and he is also waving his hand, do you think he is asking the little cat to go away? (第2-3頁(yè)上,我們可以看到,Kipper從屋里出來(lái)了,來(lái)到貓咪身邊,他也揮動(dòng)著一只手,你覺(jué)得他是在讓貓咪走開么?)

BB:Yes, I think he is. (是噠,我覺(jué)得是。)

MM: OK, let's read this page: Go away, little cat. A dog is coming. (走開吧,小貓咪。有一條狗要來(lái)了。)

MM:Now do you know why Biff and Kipper ask the little cat to go away? (那么現(xiàn)在你知道為什么Biff和Kipper要請(qǐng)小貓走開么?)

BB:Yes, I do, because a dog is coming, and they think the dog might scare the little cat. (我知道啦,因?yàn)橛袟l狗要來(lái)啦,他們覺(jué)得狗狗可能會(huì)嚇到小貓。)

MM:Who can the dog be? (狗狗會(huì)是誰(shuí)呢?)

BB:Floppy, of course. (當(dāng)然是Floppy啦。)

MM:Yeah, I think the dog is Floppy, too. However, do you think the little cat will go away? (是噠,我也覺(jué)得是Floppy。但是,你覺(jué)得小貓會(huì)走開么?)

BB:No, I think he won't, look, the little cat is rubbing his head on Kipper's leg, which means that he likes Kipper. (我覺(jué)得不會(huì)。你看,小貓咪在Kipper的腿上蹭呢,說(shuō)明他喜歡Kipper)

MM:Oh, yes, I think you are right. And look Chip is now standing at the half-open door, will he come out to ask the little cat to go away? (我覺(jué)得你是對(duì)的??纯碈hip,他也站在半開的門邊,他會(huì)出來(lái)請(qǐng)小貓咪走開么?)

Page 4-5

MM:On Page 4-5, we can see that now Chip comes out to the little cat, and Biff and Kipper are standing beside them. Chip waves his hand, and he also points to something. What do you think he is saying and pointing at? (第4-5頁(yè)上,我們可以看到Chip也出來(lái)了,走到小貓咪身邊,Biff和Kipper站在旁邊。Chip擺著一只手,還用另一只手指著什么,你覺(jué)得他在說(shuō)什么,在指什么呢?)

BB:I think he is also asking the little cat to go away, and he is pointing to Floppy, I can see him coming outside. (我覺(jué)得他也在請(qǐng)小貓離開,他在指Floppy呢,我看到Floppy從屋里出來(lái)啦)

MM: Let's read Page 4-5: Go away, little cat. A big dog is coming. (快走吧,小貓咪。一條大狗要來(lái)啦)

MM:Wow, yes, and Biff is also looking at Floppy, and Floppy is so big, and I think the kids must be very worried about the little cat. Do you think he will listen to them and go away? (是的呢,Biff也在看著Floppy呢,F(xiàn)loppy這么大,我想孩子們肯定很擔(dān)心小貓咪啊,你覺(jué)得他會(huì)走開么?)

BB:No, I don't think so, see, he is licking his claw and looks so relaxed, instead of worried. (我覺(jué)得不會(huì),你看,他看起來(lái)還在悠哉游哉地舔爪子呢,一點(diǎn)都不擔(dān)心的樣子)

Page 6-7

MM:Page 6-7, we can see that Floppy now comes out and he is running so fast toward the little cat. And the kids are standing in line and look so shocked to see this. How about the little cat? Is he scared? (在第6-7頁(yè)上,我們可以看到Floppy出來(lái)了,而且飛奔向小貓咪。孩子們站成一排,震驚地看著這一幕。小貓咪呢?他害怕么?)

BB:Yes, I think he is scared, look, he arches his back and opens his eyes wide. (我覺(jué)得他害怕,你看,他的背都弓起來(lái)了,眼睛瞪得老大)

MM:Oh, poor little cat, what can he do now? Can he run away in time? (哦,可憐的小貓,現(xiàn)在該怎么辦呢?他能及時(shí)走開么?)

MM: Let's read Page 6-7: Go away, little cat. Floppy is coming. (快走,小貓咪。Floppy來(lái)啦。)

Page 8

MM:Page 8, what's happening? (發(fā)生啥事了?)

BB:It turns out the little cat does not run away, but Floppy is running away. (劇情大反轉(zhuǎn)了,結(jié)果小貓沒(méi)有跑走,F(xiàn)loppy倒是趕緊逃了。)

MM:Why is that? Floppy looks so frightened and he is running so fast that he is leaping with four legs. Is that little cute black cat we were talking about? How fierce he is! (怎么會(huì)這樣呢?Floppy看起來(lái)害怕極了,跑得都快飛起來(lái)了。這還是我們剛剛看到的那只可愛(ài)的小黑貓么?怎么這個(gè)兇?。?!)

BB:Run, Floppy, run, run as fast as you can, the little cat cannot catch you. (跑吧,F(xiàn)loppy,跑快點(diǎn),小貓追不上你的)

MM: OK, can you read this page: Oh, no! (噢,不!)

After Story

故事講完了,有沒(méi)有覺(jué)得好搞笑???跟Go away有關(guān)的繪本有:Go Away, Big Green Monster,相關(guān)的兒歌有Rain, Rain, Go Away,還有一首Go Away的萬(wàn)圣節(jié)兒歌,都可以找來(lái)聽一聽,讀一讀哦。



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