【雙語精讀】親子閱讀牛津樹1階 See me Skip 看我跳繩

2020-5-18 18:05 原創(chuàng) · 圖片6



Hello everyone, this is Kevin's Mom, today we'll continue to read Oxford Reading Tree Stage 1+ Phonics Stories, and today's story is called See Me Skip. 大家好,我是康媽。今天我們將繼續(xù)親子共讀牛津樹第一階的自然拼讀故事,今天的故事名字叫 See Me Skip《看我跳繩吧》。

Kids, can you skip rope? How fast can you skip? In today's story, Biff asks her Dad to skip rope, well, he is very good at skipping and he skips so fast that he ends up in the paddling pool! 小朋友們,你們會(huì)跳繩嗎?會(huì)跳的很快嗎?在今天的故事中呢,Biff請(qǐng)她的爸爸來跳繩,爸爸太擅長了,越跳越快,結(jié)果跳到充氣泳池里去啦~

Cover Page

MM: Look at the front cover, who can you see and what are they doing? 封面上,都有誰呢?分別在做什么呢?

BB: I can see Dad who is doing the washing at the sink, and Chip who is writing something at the table, and both of them are looking at Biff who's got a rope in her hands and she might be going outside to skip rope. 我看到爸爸正在水池邊洗盤子,Chip在桌子上寫著什么,他們倆都喵著Biff,Biff呢,拿了一根跳繩,可能她正準(zhǔn)備去外面跳繩呢。

MM: Yes, you are very right. Dad looks to me a very good man in the family, and he shares so many household chores. From the previous books that we have read, we know that he sometimes does the laundry, and sometimes washes the dishes and sometimes has quality time with the kids. 說的非常對(duì)啊。我覺得爸爸在這個(gè)家里面真的是個(gè)好男人啊,因?yàn)樗謸?dān)了很多家務(wù)。從前面我們讀過的書里面可以知道,他有時(shí)候洗衣服,有時(shí)候刷盤子洗碗,有時(shí)候認(rèn)真高質(zhì)量地陪孩子。

MM: What an amazing Dad he is! Now let's read the title: See me Skip. See who skip? Let's read the story to find it out. 真是個(gè)好爸爸呀!現(xiàn)在我們來讀一讀標(biāo)題:看我跳繩。看誰跳繩呢?我們讀一讀這個(gè)故事就知道答案啦。

Page 1

MM: Here we can see that Biff is holding the rope's handles, which means that she might be going to skip. Now can you see what Dad is doing? 在這里呢,我們可以看到Biff雙手握著跳繩的手柄,說明她應(yīng)該準(zhǔn)備要跳繩啦。那么你能看到爸爸在做什么嗎?

BB: He is still doing the washing while looking outside at Biff. 他仍然在洗著什么東西, 同時(shí)呢,一邊朝外面看著Biff。

MM: Yes, you are right. Maybe he is keeping an eye on her for her safety. 是的呢。可能呀,他要盯著點(diǎn)Biff,防止她受傷。

MM: Now let's read this page: See me skip. 看我跳繩呀。


 Stand up and pick up the rope, and hold the rope's handles in each of your hands. 拿好跳繩的兩端手柄。

Step over the rope. The rope should hang behind you, so that the middle of the rope hits the back of your feet.跨過跳繩。保證跳繩是在身后的,跳繩的中間位置大概在腳后跟處。

Use your hands and wrists to swing the rope over your head. Don't move your arms-try to keep the motion limited to your wrists.用手和腕部的力量把跳繩搖過頭頂。盡量保持胳膊不動(dòng),把動(dòng)作力量限制在手腕處。

When the rope is coming toward the front of your feet, hop over it.當(dāng)跳繩搖到腳前時(shí),跳過去。

MM: Can you see Floppy? He looks very happy and excited to see Biff skipping, right? 你看到Floppy了嗎?看到Biff跳繩,他也感到既開心,又興奮呢,是吧。

Page 2-3

MM: Look, now Biff is skipping, and look how fast she is skipping. And what is Dad doing? 快看,Biff在跳繩啦,她跳的好快啊。那么爸爸在做什么呢?

BB: He is hanging the shoes onto the clothes line. 他正在把洗好的鞋子往晾衣繩上掛呢。

MM: Yes, now we know that he has been brushing the shoes, and now he's finished. Look, he is still watching Biff skipping. 是呢,現(xiàn)在我們知道啦,爸爸一直在刷鞋子呢,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)刷完啦。你看,他還在看著Biff跳繩呢。

MM: Now let's read Page 2-3: This is the way. I like to do this every day. 就是這樣的方式。我喜歡每天做這件事。

MM: Here I have questions for you. What does Biff like to do? How often does she like to skip? 在這里呢我有問題問你哦。Biff喜歡做什么呀?她喜歡多久跳一次呢?

BB: She likes to skip, every day. 她喜歡跳繩,每天都跳。

MM: Wow, great. Now look at Floppy, he is barking very loudly with excitement, right? And what about Chip? He is also looking at Biff skipping. 回答正確??纯碏loppy吧,他正興奮地大叫呢,是吧?那么Chip呢?他也在看著Biff跳繩呢。

Page 4-5

MM: Now is Dad still hanging the shoes onto the clothes line? No, he has finishes hanging the shoes. What is he doing? 現(xiàn)在爸爸還在掛鞋子嗎?沒有啦,他已經(jīng)掛好啦。那么他在干嘛呢?

BB: He is skipping rope. 他在跳繩呢。

MM: Yes, let's read Page 4-5: "Come on, Dad. Can you skip too?" "Yes, I can. I skip like you." 回答正確?,F(xiàn)在我們來讀一讀第4-5頁:“來吧,爸爸。你也能跳繩嗎?”“是呀,我會(huì)的。我像你那樣跳繩?!?/strong>

MM: Oh, it turns out that Biff is asking Dad to skip. She says: Can you skip too? Then what does Dad say? 噢,原來呀,Biff邀請(qǐng)爸爸跳繩呢。她說:你能跳繩嗎?那么爸爸是怎么回答的呢?

BB: Dad says: Yes, I can. I skip like you. 他說:是噠,我會(huì)。我像你那樣跳繩。

MM: Wonderful. Look at Dad, now he is preparing to skip, and I think the rope is a little bit short for him. And see Floppy? What do you think he might be thinking? 回答地真好。你看爸爸,現(xiàn)在呢他正在準(zhǔn)備跳繩呢,我覺得呢,這個(gè)跳繩呀,對(duì)他來說,稍微有點(diǎn)短了??吹紽loppy了嗎?你覺得他是怎么想的?

BB: Yeah, Floppy is showing a shocked face, and he might be thinking: What? Dad skipping rope? Oh, no. 看到啦,F(xiàn)loppy一副驚訝的表情,他可能在想:什么?爸爸跳繩?不要吧?

Page 6-7

MM: Wow, look at Dad, he is skipping SO fast. While skipping, he is asking the kids to look at him: "Look at me. Look at me go!" 哇,你看爸爸,他真的跳得超快啊!還邊跳,邊讓大家去看他:看我呀??次姨?/strong>

MM: Since the rope is a little bit short, he has to jump very high and bend himself to hop over the rope, right? And look at the kids, who is showing a worried face? 因?yàn)檫@個(gè)跳繩有點(diǎn)短,爸爸必須得跳得很高,還得稍微弓著點(diǎn)身子才能跳過去,是吧?看看孩子們,誰露出了擔(dān)心的表情呀?

BB: Biff, she looks a little bit worried. Biff,她看起來有點(diǎn)擔(dān)心呢。

MM: Yes, that's why she says: "Look out, Dad!" 是呢,所以她說:小心呀,爸爸!

MM: Look at Floppy, what might he be thinking right now? 看下Floppy,你覺得他可能是怎么想的?

BB: He covers his eyes with his paws, meaning that he dares not to see Dad skipping and he worries that Dad might get hurt. Floppy呢用爪子蓋住眼睛,說明他不敢看爸爸跳繩,擔(dān)心爸爸可能傷到自己吧。

MM: Can you see Mum? Where is she and what is she doing?你看到媽媽了嗎?她在哪里呢?在做什么呢?

BB: Yes, I can see her, right now she is inside the house knocking on the window. 我看到她啦,她正在屋里敲窗戶呢。

MM: Knocking on the window? Why do you think she is doing that? Seeing Dad skipping, she might want to stop him, and maybe she is thinking: oh, naughty Dad, doing naughty stuff again. 敲窗戶?你覺得她為什么要那樣做呢?看到爸爸在跳繩,她可能想要阻止他,或許呢,她在想:噢,調(diào)皮的爸爸,又在調(diào)皮了。

Page 8

MM: Oh no! Oh no! 

MM: What happened? 發(fā)生什么事啦?

BB: Dad falls back into the paddling pool. 爸爸向后倒到戲水池里啦。

MM: Oh no! Poor naughty Dad. Why do you think he falls into the pool? 可憐的調(diào)皮老爸呀。那么你覺得爸爸為什么會(huì)摔到水池里呢?

MM: We can see that the clothes line is pulled off the wall, taking all the shoes on it down. Perhaps it's because Dad swings the skip rope onto the clothes line and and takes it off the wall. 我們現(xiàn)在可以看到晾衣繩已經(jīng)從墻上被扯下來了,連帶著上面的鞋子都掉了。或許是因?yàn)榘职痔K的時(shí)候甩到晾衣繩上面了,把繩子從墻上甩掉了。

MM: Look at Mum, she is outside and looks so shocked to see what happened just now. Can you see who got wet? 你看看媽媽,她現(xiàn)在在外面了,看到這一幕,驚訝極了。你能看到誰搞濕了嗎?

BB: The three kids, and I can see three pairs of eyes. 三個(gè)孩子全身濕了,我都看到他們的三雙眼睛啦。

MM: Oh, naughty naughty Dad! 真的是調(diào)皮的爸爸呀!


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一米陽光光 謝謝分享????????


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