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哪些非虛構原版讀物很能激發(fā)孩子興趣? 一直都在努力尋找內容豐富的,有趣的,不枯燥不嚴肅的可以讀得下去的non-fiction給孩子。除了熱門的who was/is系列,horrible history系列。AR系數5以上,8以下,適合9-12歲這個年齡段的non-fiction最近看了一些不錯的。先列個清單。以后會補一篇詳細一點的日志。以下圖書美亞都可以購買。 1、《Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry 》by Neil deGrasse Tyson ,This adaptation by Gregory Mone 《給年輕忙碌者的天體物理學》對的,就是那本給忙碌者的天體物理學的青少版 2、《The Omnivore's Dilemma: Young Readers Edition》也是同名書的青少版。作者:Michael Pollan AR:6.8。 interest level:MG Word Count:68242 適合年齡:10歲以上。 關于食物本源的探索,從快餐和大型有機食品到小型農場和老式的狩獵和采集,這本書鼓勵孩子們考慮他們選擇的食物對個人和全球健康的影響。鼓勵人們建立健康的飲食習慣 3、《How They Croaked: The Awful Ends of the Awfully Famous》(他們是怎么咽氣的,那些超級名人的糟糕結局) 作者:Georgia Bragg ,Kevin O'Malley AR:6.8 interest level:MG Word Count:26208 適合年齡:10歲以上。人物傳記類別 人物傳記類別 包括圖坦卡蒙、喬治華盛頓、愛因斯坦……… 4、《 How They Choked: Failures, Flops, and Flaws of the Awfully Famous》(他們是如何窒息的,那些超級名人的失敗、搞砸和瑕疵) 作者:Georgia Bragg ,Kevin O'Malley AR:7.2 interest level:MG Word Count:34575 適合年齡:10歲以上。人物傳記類別 那些成功的“失敗者”包括了馬可波羅,梵高,牛頓 5、Fantastic Fugitives: Criminals, Cutthroats, and Rebels Who Changed History (While on the Run!) (Changed History Series) 神奇的逃亡者:改變歷史的罪犯,殺手,和叛亂者 作者:Brianna DuMont 適合年齡:9歲以上。人物傳記類別 出場人物:斯巴達克斯,埃及艷后,馬丁路德金,曼德拉……… 6、Famous Phonies: Legends, Fakes, and Frauds Who Changed History (The Changed History Series) 著名的偽裝者:改變歷史的傳奇、贗品和騙子 作者:Brianna DuMont AR:7.6 interest level:MG Word Count:40499 適讀年齡:9歲以上。人物傳記類別。 出場人物:孔子、黃帝、莎士比亞、畢達哥拉斯、喬治華盛頓…… 7、《Thrilling Thieves: Thrilling Thieves: Liars, Cheats, and Cons Who Changed History (Changed History Series)》(驚心動魄的小偷:那些改變歷史的撒謊者,騙子和詐騙者) 作者:Brianna DuMont AR:7.4 interest level:MG Word Count:35193 適讀年齡:9歲以上 出場人物:特蕾莎修女,林肯,甘地……How They Choked: Failures, Flops, and Flaws of the Awfully Famous The Omnivore's Dilemma: Young Readers Edition How They Croaked Astrophysics for Young People in a Hurry Famous Phonies: Legends, Fakes, and Frauds Who Changed History (Changed History Series) Fantastic Fugitives: Criminals, Cutthroats, and Rebels Who Changed History (While on the Run!) (Changed History Series) Thrilling Thieves: Thrilling Thieves: Liars, Cheats, and Cons Who Changed History (Changed History Series)
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