【雙語精讀】親子閱讀牛津樹1階 What a Mess

2020-6-26 17:09 原創(chuàng) · 圖片4


Hello everyone, this is Kevin's Mom, today we'll continue to read Oxford Reading Tree Stage 1+ Patterned Stories, and today's story is called What a Mess. 大家好,我是康媽。今天我們將繼續(xù)親子共讀牛津樹第一階固定模式的故事部分,今天的故事名字叫 What a Mess《亂七八糟》。

A show is on and everyone made something for it, let's go see what they have made~ 表演要開始啦,每個人都做個作品,我們一起去看看都做了啥吧~

Cover Page

MM: Look at the cover picture, the family is walking in line to somewhere, where is everyone going? 看封面,這一家子呢排成一排正要去某個地方,你覺得他們要去哪里呢?

BB: Look here, it says "To the Show". 看這里,寫著 “To the Show”, 去才藝表演請走這邊。

MM: So that's why everyone is well dressed and carries something in their hands. 所以呀,每個人都穿戴整齊,手里還拿著東西。

MM: The story is called "What a Mess!" Can you see any mess on the cover? 這個故事呢叫《亂七八糟》,你在封面上有看到哪里亂糟糟的嗎?

BB: No, I cannot see any mess here on the cover. 封面沒有一點亂糟糟的地方。

MM: Let's begin the story to see where is the mess and who made it. 我們來讀一讀這個故事看看到底哪里亂糟糟,誰弄的亂糟糟,好不好?

Page 1

MM: Mum made a dress. 媽媽做了一件裙子。

MM: Wow, what a beautiful purple dress it is! And we can see flowers on it, right? 哇,很美的一件裙子啊,上面還有很多花呢,對吧?

MM: Let's see what tools Mum uses to make this dress: Sewing machine, string and cloth. 我們看看媽媽都用了什么工具和材料:縫紉機,線,還有布料。

Page 2-3

MM: Dad made some jam. 爸爸做了一些果醬。

MM: So Dad is going to take the jam to the show, what jam do you think it is? How can you tell? 所以呢爸爸準備帶些果醬去才藝秀。你覺得他做的什么果醬呢?你是如何看出來的呢?

BB: Strawberry jam, first, the jam is red, and second, I can see some strawberries scattered on the table. 肯定是草莓醬,首先呢,這個果醬是紅色的,其次呢,桌子上還散落著幾個草莓呢。

MM: Very good thinking. Let's see, now Dad is holding a very big pot and pouring the jam into a jar. 想法很好哦。我們來看看,現(xiàn)在爸爸正拿著一口大鍋,把草莓醬倒進一個瓶子里。

But wait Dad, you're pouring the jam outside the jar, silly Dad, right? 但是請等一下啊,爸爸,你把草莓醬都倒到外面去啦,傻乎乎的爸爸??!

MM: Can you count how many jars on the table? 你能數(shù)一數(shù)桌子上有幾個瓶子嗎?

BB: Four. 

MM: Yes, so Dad was planning to make four jars of jam. 是噠,所以呢,爸爸是打算做4瓶果醬來著。

Page 4-5

MM: Chip made a scarf. Biff made a lorry. Chip織了一條圍巾。Biff做了一輛卡車。

MM: Wow look, Chip is now knitting a scarf, and this scarf has so many different colors. 哇你看Chip,他正在織圍巾呢,這條圍巾有好多種不同的顏色呢。

MM: As far as I know, girls are good at knitting, but I didn't know that Chip is good at it too. 就我所知,一般女孩子比較擅長織圍巾,沒想到Chip也很擅長啊。

MM: Biff is making a lorry with a box. On the table, we can see red paint, yellow paint, glue, scissors, as well as a paper roll. Biff正在做一輛卡車。在桌上還放著紅色顏料,黃色顏料,膠水,剪刀,還有一個紙芯筒。

Page 6-7

MM: Kipper made a birthday card.

MM: Now Kipper is drawing something on a piece of paper with crayons, probably flowers, right? 現(xiàn)在Kipper正在用蠟筆在紙上畫著,應(yīng)該是在畫花,對吧?

MM: Look at Biff, she is still making the lorry. What has she done to make her lorry? 看一看Biff,她還在做著那輛卡車呢。她是怎么做卡車的呢?

BB: On Page 5, she puts the bed of the lorry onto the wheels, and now she has put the cab on and is painting it. 在第5頁上,她把卡車的貨箱裝在輪子上,現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)把駕駛艙放上去,正在涂色呢。

MM: Can you see the color of the lorry? 你看到lorry是什么顏色的嗎?

BB: It's yellow and red. 是黃色的,上面有一條紅色的線。

Page 8

MM: Everyone made a mess. 每個人都搞得亂糟糟。

MM: Now can you see any mess on this page? 現(xiàn)在你看到亂糟糟的了么?

BB: Yes, look at all the paint, cloth, dishes, what a mess! 是啊,你看這些顏料啊,布料啊,盤子啊,真是亂七八糟啊。

MM: Who do you think made the most mess of all? 你覺得誰制造的垃圾最多?

BB: I think Biff made the most mess of all, look at all the paint. 我覺得Biff知道的垃圾最多了,你看這些個顏料。


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