
2020-2-28 13:54 原創(chuàng) · 圖片10

今天我們將繼續(xù)親子共讀牛津樹第三階的故事部分,今天的故事名字叫《Strawberry Jam》(草莓果醬)。

Strawberry jam is made with strawberries, and strawberry jam is very yummy, do you like it? I do. In this story, Kipper's Dad wants to make some strawberry jam, does he succeed?草莓醬是用草莓做成的,草莓醬是非常美味的,你們喜歡吃么?我很喜歡哦。在今天的故事里呢,Kipper的爸爸想要做一些草莓醬,那么他到底做成了沒有呢?)

Cover Page

MM:On the front cover, we can see Dad is sitting at the table with a wooden spoon in one hand and and the other hand touching his chin. And in front of him, we can see a plate of three little strawberries, three empty jars, a pot, a sifter as we all as a book. Obviously, he is cooking something following that book. I wonder what he is going to make. What do you think? (封面上,我們可以看到爸爸正坐在桌子前,一手拿木勺,一手扶下巴。面前放著一堆東西,都有什么呢?放著三個小草莓的盤子,三個空玻璃瓶,一個鍋,一個漏勺,還有一本書。很明顯咯,他在照著這本書做什么吃的呢。我在想他準(zhǔn)備做什么呢。你覺得呢?)

BB:I think he is going to make strawberry jam. (我覺得他想要做草莓醬)

MM:Let's read the title to see if you are right:Strawberry Jam. (我們來讀一讀標(biāo)題看看你猜的對不對:草莓醬)

MM:Great, you are right. Dad indeed is going to make strawberry jam. However, he's only got three strawberries in the plate, do three strawberries enough to make strawberry jam? (你猜對啦。爸爸確實準(zhǔn)備做草莓醬呢。但是呢,他現(xiàn)在只有三個草莓,夠做草莓醬么?)

BB:Of course not, you will need plenty of strawberries to make strawberry jam. (肯定不夠啊,做果醬需要很多草莓的。)

MM:Then what is he gonna do? Where could you get strawberries if it were you? (那么他該怎么辦呢?如果是你的話,你會從哪里搞到草莓呢?)

BB:I can go to the store to buy some, or go pick some at a strawberry farm. (我可以去商店買,也可以去草莓園摘)

MM:Smart kiddo. Now let's open the book and see how Dad gets more strawberries. (聰明的寶寶?,F(xiàn)在我們翻開書看看爸爸怎么樣搞到更多的草莓吧)

Page 1

MM: Dad wanted to make jam. (爸爸想做果醬。)

MM:What kind of jam do you think he wants to make? (你覺得他想做什么果醬呢?)

BB:Strawberry jam, because, look, he is thinking about strawberries. (草莓醬,因為,你看,他正在想的是草莓呀)

MM:Now let's see what you need to make strawberry jam. On the table, we can see three jars, a pail and a bag of sugar. (現(xiàn)在我們來看看做草莓醬都需要用到什么東西。在桌子上我們可以看到三個瓶子,一個小桶和一包糖)

BB:And we also need strawberries. (我們還需要草莓)

Page 2-3

MM: He picked some strawberries. They were too small. (他摘了一些草莓。這些草莓太小了。)

MM:Here we can see that Dad is picking strawberries in the backyard, and Mum is helping him. (我們可以看到爸爸正在后院摘草莓,媽媽也來幫忙)

MM:First he puts the strawberries in the plate, look at the strawberries, are they big? Are they ripe? (首先呢他把草莓放進盤子里了,看看這些草莓,夠大么?熟了么?)

BB:No, the strawberries they pick are small, and some are ripe, but some are not. (他們摘的草莓都很小,有些熟了,有些還沒有熟)

MM:So Dad cannot make jam with these small strawberries, can he? I wonder where he is gonna get bigger and better strawberries. (因此呢,現(xiàn)在爸爸不能這樣的草莓做果醬了,是吧?我在想他會從哪獲得更大更好的草莓呢。)

Page 4-5

MM: Mum took everyone to the pick-your-own. "You can all help," said Dad. (媽媽帶著大家來到草莓自摘園。爸爸說:你們都可以來幫忙哦)

MM:Where are the family? (現(xiàn)在他們來到哪里呢?)

BB:They come to the farm where they can pick strawberries. (他們來到一個可以摘草莓的農(nóng)場。)

MM:That's right, they are here at a pick-your-own farm, here you can also eat some while picking and pay for the amount you have picked. (對啦,他們來到一個自行采摘農(nóng)場,在這里摘草莓的同時也可以吃一些,摘好之后按重量付錢)

MM:On the picture, we can see that Mum is locking the trunk of the car, and Dad is taking the kids to the farm, look, Wilf and Wilma are coming, too, and Kipper is so excited that he is jumping. (圖片上,我們可以看到媽媽正在鎖后備箱,爸爸帶著孩子們走向農(nóng)場,快看,Wilf和Wilma也來啦,Kipper好興奮啊,都跳起來啦)

MM:Now look at the shed in the farm, we can see a man standing behind the counter, and he is wearing a cap, a pair of glasses and a long beard, oh, we see him again. (現(xiàn)在我們來看看農(nóng)場小屋,這個柜臺后面站著一位男士,他戴著鴨舌帽,一副眼鏡,留著絡(luò)腮胡子,哦,又見這位叔叔啦,他簡直無處不在啊)

On the counter, we can see plenty of baskets prepared for the customers, and a board is leaning on the counter, and it says "Pick your own strawberries, loganberries, red currants, spinach", so many different kinds of fruits you can pick, right? I think this farm must be very huge. (柜臺上放著好多個籃子啊,都是為顧客準(zhǔn)備的呢,外面還有一個牌子靠在柜臺上,上面寫著"自行采摘草莓,楊梅,紅漿果,菠菜",這么多不同的水果啊,我想這個農(nóng)場一定不小吧。

Also on the fence we can see another board which has an arrow on it and it says "To the donkeys", maybe the kids will go to see the donkeys.(在旁邊的籬笆上,我們還可以看到一個牌子,上面有個箭頭,寫著"驢子在這邊"),可能孩子們還會去看驢子哦。

Page 6-7

MM: They all picked strawberries. Kipper put some in his pocket. (他們都在摘草莓。Kipper把一些草莓放進口袋里)

MM:Here we can see that now the family are inside the farm carrying a bucket and picking strawberries. Further along we can see the girls, Wilma and Biff, and close by are Chip and Kipper. (現(xiàn)在我們看到他們一家人已經(jīng)進到農(nóng)場里面開始摘草莓了。遠處Wilma和Biff兩個女孩子在一塊摘,近處Chip和Kipper兩個男孩子在一塊)

Chip is kneeling down to pick the strawberries and put them into the basket. Look, he is licking his lips, which means that the strawberries here must be very delicious and juicy. Well, how about Kipper? Where does he put the strawberries? (Chip正跪在地上摘草莓,摘了之后放進籃子里,你看他還在舔嘴唇呢,說明這里的草莓一定美味又多汁,對吧。那Kipper呢?他把草莓放哪里了呢?)

BB:He put them in his pockert. (他放進自己的口袋里了。)

MM:That's right. He is not only eating while picking them, and he also puts some in his own pocket, insteading of in the basket beside him. Look at Kipper, he's got strawberries all over him, and his face, fingers and shirt are all red, and now his pants are red, too. (對啦,在摘的時候,他不僅在吃,還放進自己的口袋里,而不是放進旁邊的籃子里。你看看他,現(xiàn)在全身都是草莓色了。臉上,衣服上,手上都是紅的,現(xiàn)在褲子也變紅色了。)

MM:That's what a kid usually does, right? When you have something that you do not want to share with others, especially something delicious, you might hide it in your pocket. (小朋友經(jīng)常會這樣對吧?如果你有一樣?xùn)|西,不想跟別人分享,尤其是一些好吃的,通常都會藏在自己的口袋里。)

BB:And tell others that all is eaten up. (還會說都吃完了)

Page 8-9

MM: Chip took the strawberries to the car. The car was locked. (Chip把草莓拿到汽車上。汽車是鎖著的)

MM:Here we can see that the family has got enough strawberries for the jam, and asks Chip to take them to the car. How many baskets of strawberries they have picked? (現(xiàn)在我們可以看到他們已經(jīng)摘好了做果醬的草莓,讓Chip拿到汽車上去。他們摘了幾籃子草莓呢?)

BB:Two baskets of strawberries. (兩籃子草莓)

MM:Can Chip put them in the trunk? (Chip能把草莓放進后備箱么?)

BB:No, he cannot, since the trunk is locked, so he puts them behind the car. (沒法放進去,因為后備箱鎖上了,所以他把籃子放在汽車后面)

MM:What does Chip see then? (然后Chip看到什么了呢?)

BB:He sees the ice cream van, and the farm worker bought an ice cream, and I think he will also wants to buy one since no one can resist an ice cream. (他看到冰淇淋車啦,那個農(nóng)場工人也買了一個,我覺得他也會想要買個來吃,因為沒有人可以受得了冰淇淋的誘惑)

MM:Now let's turn to next to page to see what Chip will do when he finds that the car is locked. (我們翻到下一頁看看,Chip發(fā)現(xiàn)車子打不開之后做了什么。)

Page 10-11

MM: He forgot about the strawberries. (他忘記了草莓的事兒了)

MM:Here the kids are looking at the donkeys, and look, Chip is feeding a strawberry to one donkey, what about the strawberries they picked? (現(xiàn)在孩子們都在看驢子呢,快看,Chip在喂一頭驢子吃草莓呢。他們摘的草莓呢?)

BB:He must have forgotten them. Oh, I hope he will not get into any trouble. (他肯定是忘記啦。哦,希望他可別闖禍。)

MM:Look at that worker, maybe he knows that Chip forgot about the strawberries, will he remind him? (你看那個工人,或許他知道Chip把草莓忘記了,他會提醒他么?)

BB:I'm not sure about that. (我不確定哦)

MM:Oh, Chip, please do tell Mum or Dad before the car is started, or the strawberries will be ruined. (噢,Chip啊,請一定要在車子啟動之前告訴爸爸媽媽啊,要不然草莓就毀啦)

Page 12-13

MM: The children had an ice cream. It was time to go home. (孩子們都吃了冰淇淋。該回家了。)

MM:The kids all have an ice cream as expected. (孩子們都如愿一人買了一個冰淇淋吃啊)

What happened to Biff's ice cream? (Biff的冰淇淋怎么了?)

BB:Her ice crean fell onto the ground. (她的冰淇淋掉地上了)

MM:Oh, poor Biff. See the long red winding trail behind Kipper, what is there a trail like this? (可憐的Biff??吹終ipper身后那條又長又紅的彎彎曲曲的痕跡了么?那是什么呀?)

BB:It's a trail of strawberry juice, since Kipper put some in his pocket, and the strawberries in his pocket must have been squashed. (是草莓汁痕跡,因為Kipper放了一些草莓在口袋里,那些草莓肯定壓爛了。)

MM:Oh right. Look at Dad, what is he doing? (是噠是噠。你看爸爸,他在做什么呢?)

BB:He is looking at his watch. (他在看手表呢)

MM:Yes, and when someone looks at his watch, it means that it's time to leave. (是噠,如果一個人看了下手表,說明該走了。)

MM:I think now it's time for them to head home. (我覺得他們該回家了)

BB:The strawberries, hope someone will see the strawberries before the car is started. (草莓啊,希望有人在車子發(fā)動之前看到吧)

Page 14-15

MM: The car ran over the starberries. "Oh, no!" said everyone. (車子壓到草莓上了。每個人都說:嗷,不!)

MM:Does anyone see the strawberries behind the car? Does Chip remember the strawberries? (回去的時候誰開車呢?有人看到車后面的草莓了么?Chip想起來草莓了么?)

BB:No, no, no, no one sees the strawberries and Chip has completely forgotten about them. (沒有沒有沒有,沒有一個人看到車后面的草莓,Chip也完全忘記了)

MM:Then what happened to the strawberries? (那草莓怎么了?)

BB:They got run over by the car. (被車子碾了)

MM:Oh, no. Look at Chip in the car, he is saying something, I think right now he must remember about the strawberries, right? (你看Chip,他似乎在說什么,我想他現(xiàn)在肯定是想起來放在車后面的草莓了,對吧?)

Page 16

MM: "Traffic jam!" said Dad. (爸爸說:交通運輸醬)

MM:Here we can see that now Mum and Dad and the kids get out of the car to check out the strawberries, Dad picks up the basket, which is all squashed and broken. (現(xiàn)在爸爸媽媽和孩子下車查看草莓,爸爸把草莓籃子拿起來,籃子都被壓爛了。)

MM:He says "Traffic jam", we know that traffic jam usually means that a long line of vehicles that cannot move forward since there is too much traffic, but here in this book, we know he was planning to make strawberry jam, now the strawberry jam is made by a car, just like traffic jam. Hahaha, what a funny story it is! (爸爸說:"Traffic jam",那我們知道traffic jam一般是指交通堵塞,車太多了,車子動不了,但是這本書里面呢,我們知道爸爸之前想著做草莓果醬來著,現(xiàn)在草莓被汽車壓了,就像是交通醬一樣。哈哈,好好笑的故事啊)




回應(yīng)8 舉報
一米陽光光 謝謝分享????????
飛魚就是我 最近正在看牛津3,跟你學(xué)習(xí)
我是希希媽 好詳細啊,謝謝你的分享

