
2021-12-23 09:51 原創(chuàng) · 圖片4

3-37 King of the castle

1. A big coach was in the car park. 

①教練:football coach 足球教練 tennis coach 網(wǎng)球教練

長途公共汽車,長途客運汽車 British English a bus with comfortable seats used for long journeys

We went to Paris by coach. 我們坐長途汽車去巴黎。

car park 停車場

2. The castle had a moat and lots of turrets.

moat 護(hù)城河

turret: a small tower on a large building, especially a castle(尤指城堡的)小塔樓

See the source image

3. I am a knight. 騎士

4. Dad was high up in a turret. 爸爸高高地在一個塔樓里。

5. NOW BOW DOWN TO THE KING! 現(xiàn)在向你的國王鞠躬吧

6. Then they all made a bow. 他們都鞠躬了。


3-38 Bug Hunt

1. Biff and Kipper went on a bug hunt in the garden. 在花園里找蟲子

2. The jar had holes in the lid for air. 罐子的蓋子上有孔讓空氣進(jìn)入。

3. Let's check it. 我們?nèi)ゲ椴榘伞?/p>

4. Mum was peckish. 

peckish: (british english informal) slightly hungry 有點餓的

She was feeling a bit peckish. 她覺得有點餓。

5. Mum took the lid off the jar. 把蓋子從罐子上拿掉/打開蓋子

6. The bug shot out. 沖了出來/飛了出來

The cat shot across the garden. 這只貓飛快地躥過花園。


3-39 Mister Haggis

  1. 1. Can we keep it? 我們能把它留下來嗎?我們能養(yǎng)他嗎?

2. Mum put up a poster. 媽媽張貼了一張海報。

3. Will it ever stop chattering? 喋喋不休,能不能不要再說話了呀

chatter: to talk quickly in a friendly way without stopping, especially about things that are not serious or important


3-40 A Walk in the Sun

  1. 1. That is a rooster, not a hen. 那是一只公雞,不是母雞。

2. The farmer is giving that sheep a haircut. 農(nóng)夫正在給那只羊剪頭發(fā)。

You need a haircut. 你該理發(fā)了。

I haven't had a haircut for months. 我好幾個月沒理發(fā)了!

3. He is shearing its coat, not cutting its hair. 剪羊毛

coat: the furwool, or hair that covers an animal’s body 【動物的】皮毛

a dog with a glossy coat 皮毛光滑的狗

4. That is a barn, not a farmhouse.  

5. Go up that oak tree! 爬到那棵橡樹上!

6. This is a beech tree, not an oak. 這是一顆山毛櫸樹

beech: tree with a smoothgrey trunk and small nuts, or the wood from this tree 山毛櫸,櫸木


3-41 Green Sheets

1. It was Dad's turn to do the washing. 輪到爸爸洗衣服了

2. He put the sheets in the washing machine. 

3. I'll do it in a bit. 我一會兒去做。

4. Biff had a look at her PE kit. 

PE: physical education 體育課

a PE teacher 體育老師

a PE class 一堂體育課

5. All the green ran out of Biff's shorts. 所有的綠色都從Biff的短褲里跑出來了;掉色了

6. All the washing was green. 所有衣服都變成綠色了。

7. I did not mean this to happen. 我不是故意讓這個事情發(fā)生的


3-42 Road Burner

  1. 1. Nadim had a car for his birthday. 生日時得到了一輛車。

2. Wow! It can zoom! 

zoom: to go somewhere or do sth very quickly 快速行駛

3. A man went past on a scooter. 

motor scooter: a very light motorcycle with small wheels 小型摩托車

4. His wallet fell out of his pocket. 錢包從口袋里掉了出來 

5. You did me a good turn. 你幫了我一個大忙。做了一件好事

do somebody a good/bad turn: to do something that is helpful or unhelpful for someone 做有利于/有損于某人的事

You did me a good turn by driving Max home last night. 你昨晚開車送馬克斯回家,真是幫了我大忙。



1. A big coach was in the car park. 

2. The castle had a moat and lots of turrets.

3. I am a knight. 騎士

4. Dad was high up in a turret. 爸爸高高地在一個塔樓里。

5. NOW BOW DOWN TO THE KING! 現(xiàn)在向你的國王鞠躬吧

6. Then they all made a bow. 他們都鞠躬了。

7. Biff and Kipper went on a bug hunt in the garden. 在花園里找蟲子

8. The jar had holes in the lid for air. 罐子的蓋子上有孔讓空氣進(jìn)入。

9. Let's check it. 我們?nèi)ゲ椴榘伞?/p>

  1. 10. Can we keep it? 我們能把它留下來嗎?我們能養(yǎng)他嗎?

11. Mum put up a poster. 媽媽張貼了一張海報。

12. Will it ever stop chattering? 喋喋不休,能不能不要再說話了呀

13. Mum was peckish. 

14. Mum took the lid off the jar. 把蓋子從罐子上拿掉/打開蓋子

15. The bug shot out. 沖了出來/飛了出來

  1. 1. That is a rooster, not a hen. 那是一只公雞,不是母雞。

2. The farmer is giving that sheep a haircut. 農(nóng)夫正在給那只羊剪頭發(fā)。

3. He is shearing its coat, not cutting its hair. 剪羊毛

4. That is a barn, not a farmhouse.  

5. Go up that oak tree! 爬到那棵橡樹上!

6. This is a beech tree, not an oak. 這是一顆山毛櫸樹

7. It was Dad's turn to do the washing. 輪到爸爸洗衣服了

8. He put the sheets in the washing machine. 

9. I'll do it in a bit. 我一會兒去做。

10. Biff had a look at her PE kit. 

11. All the green ran out of Biff's shorts. 所有的綠色都從Biff的短褲里跑出來了;掉色了

12. All the washing was green. 所有衣服都變成綠色了。

13. I did not mean this to happen. 我不是故意讓這個事情發(fā)生的

14. Nadim had a car for his birthday. 生日時得到了一輛車。

15. A man went past on a scooter. 

16. His wallet fell out of his pocket. 錢包從口袋里掉了出來 

17. You did me a good turn. 你幫了我一個大忙。做了一件好事

回應(yīng) 舉報


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01/ 3-37 King of the castle
02/ 3-38 Bug Hunt
03/ 3-39 Mister Haggis
04/ 3-40 A Walk in the Sun
05/ 3-41 Green Sheets
06/ 3-42 Road Burner
07/ 聽寫