
2021-10-14 15:07 原創(chuàng) · 圖片1

3-7 On the Sand

Biff was cross.

Question: what things did the children do on the beach?

Question: why was Biff cross?


3-8 The Egg Hunt 尋找彩蛋

注意little eggs連讀


hunt: a search for someone or sth that is difficult to find 尋找獵物,打獵;搜索,搜尋

So do I. 


3-9 Nobody wanted to play

spaceman 宇航員

space suit 宇航服

spaceship 宇宙飛船

He played on the see-saw. 蹺蹺板

juggler 雜耍藝人

cowboy: cowboy jeans; cowboy boots; cowboy hat; 

stuntman: a man whose job is to do dangerous things in place of an actor in a film, etc.; a man who does dangerous things in order to entertain people 特技演員

fireman 消防員

spiderman 蜘蛛俠


3-10 A cat in the tree

Biff was cross with floppy. 


3-11 The rope swing

What a silly dog! 

Question: why is Floppy barking at the children?


3-12 By the stream

The children played by the stream. 

He dropped Teddy in the water. 

Question: why did Dad say he was a frogman? 

frogman: a person who works underwater, wearing a rubber suit, flippers, and special equipment to help them breathe




1. 我也是。Squirrels like eggs. So do I.

2. 我和媽媽生氣了。Biff was cross with floppy.

3. 多么傻的狗??!多么滑稽的小丑!What a silly dog! 

4. 孩子們在小溪邊玩。The children played by the stream. 

5. 他把泰迪熊掉進水里了。He dropped Teddy in the water.

回應(yīng) 舉報


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牛津樹3級筆記①301-306  贊1 · 收藏7 · 評論2
01/ 3-7 On the Sand
02/ 3-8 The Egg Hunt 尋找彩蛋
03/ 3-9 Nobody wanted to play
04/ 3-10 A cat in the tree
05/ 3-11 The rope swing
06/ 3-12 By the stream
07/ 聽寫句子/詞組