
2021-10-26 10:36 原創(chuàng) · 圖片3

3-13 Kipper the clown

1.The children put on a circus. 準(zhǔn)備了一臺馬戲表演

circus ?[countable] a group of people, sometimes with trained animals, who perform acts with skill in a show that travels around to different places

the circus [singular] a show performed by people who are members of a circus, usually in a large tent called the big top

  • We took the children to the circus.

put onto arrange for a concert, play etc to take place, or to perform in it 上演(戲劇等);舉行(音樂會等);表演(節(jié)目) 

One summer the children put on a play. 有一年夏天孩子們演了一部戲。

2.strong-mana physically very strong man, especially somebody who performs in a circus (尤指馬戲團里的)大力士

3.He made everyone laugh. 他把每個人都逗笑了。

(303 It made Wilf jump. 把...嚇了一跳)

4. gymnastics?physical exercises, often using special equipment, that develop and show the body’s strength and ability to move and bend easily, often done as a sport in competitions 體操

Wilma and Biff did gymnastics.

5. What a good circus! 

(311 What a silly dog! )

6. Kipper was fed up. 不高興,厭煩

Longman fed up: informal annoyed or bored, and wanting something to change 

She felt tired and a bit fed up. 她感到疲倦,還有點不耐煩。

fed up with 

I’m really fed up with this constant rain. 連著下雨我都煩死了。

Anna got fed up with waiting. 安娜都等煩了。

Oxford fed upbored or unhappy, especially with a situation that has continued for too long

  • You look fed up. What's the matter? 你滿臉不高興的樣子。怎么啦?
  •  fed up with somebody/something 
  • People are fed up with all these traffic jams.人們厭煩這么多的交通堵塞。
  • In the end, I just got fed up with his constant complaining.他不停地發(fā)牢騷,終于使我厭煩。
  • I wish he'd get a job. I'm fed up with it (= with the situation).但愿他能找到工作。這樣下去我都煩死了。
  •  fed up with doing something I'm fed up with waiting for her.

7. after all 畢竟,終究,歸根到底

Question: why is Kipper fed up?

Why did Kipper say he was a clown after all?


3-14 Strawberry Jam

1. pick-your-own: customer can pick fruit or vegetables on the farm where they are grown 自助采摘:是一種特別的農(nóng)場,在這你可以直接自己到地里去,采水果摘蔬菜

Mum took everyone to the pick-your-own

2. run over: the car drive over sth 碾壓過去

The car ran over the strawberries. 

3. traffic jam 堵車

We were stuck in a traffic jam for two hours. 我們遇上塞車,被堵了兩個小時。


3-15 The jumble sale 舊貨義賣

1. jumble sale:a sale of old or used clothes, etc. to make money for a church, school or other organization

jumble:  [singular] a lot of different things mixed together in an untidy way, without any order 混亂的一團,雜亂的一堆

jumble of 

a jumble of old toys 一堆雜亂的舊玩具

a jumble of books and paper 一堆雜亂的書和紙

Inside, she was a jumble of emotions.她心中百感交集。

Books, shoes and clothes were jumbled together on the floor. 書、鞋子和衣服胡亂堆放在地上。

2. Mum and Dad were spring-cleaning. 春季大掃除

3. Mum looked in a drawer. 抽屜

4. The children looked at the junk

(303 They pulled the net. It was stuck on some junk.)

junk: old or unwanted objects that have no use or value 廢舊雜物(丟了又有些可惜,不丟平常也用不上的東西)

rubbish 垃圾(蘋果核、擦了鼻涕的紙巾等)

Do not use junk when you are talking about things such as empty packets, cans, and bottles that are left in a public place. Use litter: Don’t drop litter in the street. 別在街上亂丟垃圾。

5. mannequin:a model of a human body, used for displaying clothes in shops人體服裝模特

manikin:a model of the human body that is used for teaching art or medicine

6. Mum bought a pot plant.

pot plant: (British English) a plant that is grown indoors in a pot 室內(nèi)盆栽植物


3-16 At the seaside

1. at the seaside 在海邊

2. The family went on holiday. 去度假

The children were excited about going on holiday. 孩子們對要去度假很興奮。

We went on holiday together last summer. 去年夏天我們一起去度假了。

3. The hotel had burned down

burn down: if a building burns down or is burned down, it is destroyed by fire 燒毀

4. expensive 昂貴的

5. But the car broke down

 if a car or machine breaks down, it stops working 停止運轉(zhuǎn),出故障,汽車拋錨

6. tractor 拖拉機

7. What a good holiday!

(313 What a good circus!   311 What a silly dog! )


3-17 Kipper's idea

1. Dad took Kipper to school. 爸爸送kipper去上學(xué)。

2. what did Kipper bring to school? A book and a pair of cleats. 踢足球、跑步用的釘鞋

3. They went past the library. 走過,路過

4. There was a drawing on the wall. 


5. Good for Kipper! Kipper做得好!Kipper太棒了!

Question: why does everyone say "Good for Kipper"?

The painting was Kipper's idea. 別人欺負他,畫他的鬼臉,笑話他,可是Kipper聰明、勇敢又善良,他把這件壞事變成了好事。


3-18 The Snowman

1. Wilf was sweeping the snow. 掃雪

  sweep the leaves 掃落葉

2. She made a giant snowball. 雪球

3. He wanted to play a trick. 把戲

play a trick 開個小玩笑,耍個小把戲

4. Wilf's mum took a photograph

Question: What do you like to do in the snow?



1. The children put on a circus. 準(zhǔn)備了一臺馬戲表演

2. strong-man (尤指馬戲團里的)大力士

3. He made everyone laugh. 他把每個人都逗笑了。

4. gymnastics  體操

5. Kipper was fed up. 不高興,厭煩

6. after all 畢竟,終究,歸根到底

7. The car ran over the strawberries. 碾壓過去

8. traffic jam 堵車

9. jumble sale 舊貨義賣

10. Mum and Dad were spring-cleaning. 春季大掃除

11. drawer 抽屜

12. at the seaside 在海邊

13. The family went on holiday. 去度假

14. The hotel had burned down.

15. expensive 昂貴的

16. But the car broke down.  汽車拋錨

17. tractor 拖拉機

18. Dad took Kipper to school. 爸爸送kipper去上學(xué)。

19. They went past the library. 走過,路過

20. Wilf was sweeping the snow. 掃雪

21. snowball 雪球

22. He wanted to play a trick. 開個小玩笑,耍個小把戲

23. Wilf's mum took a photograph.

回應(yīng) 舉報


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牛津樹3級筆記①301-306  贊1 · 收藏7 · 評論2
01/ 3-13 Kipper the clown
02/ 3-14 Strawberry Jam
03/ 3-15 The jumble sale 舊貨義賣
04/ 3-16 At the seaside
05/ 3-17 Kipper's idea
06/ 3-18 The Snowman
07/ 聽寫單詞/詞組/句子