
2021-11-13 15:51 原創(chuàng) · 圖片2

3-19 The Barbecue

1. barbecue 燒烤

barbecue: (1) a meal or party during which food is cooked on a metal frame over a fire and eaten outdoors 燒烤野餐

We had a barbecue on the beach. 我們?cè)诤┥蠠尽?/p>

What sort of food are they going to make at the barbecue?

(2) a metal frame for cooking food on outdoors (用于戶外的)烤架

2. The dads lit the fire. 點(diǎn)火

light a cigarette 點(diǎn)了一支煙

lit a candle 點(diǎn)蠟燭

3. The fire went out. 熄滅

Suddenly the candle went out. 蠟燭突然熄滅了。

4. The dads cooked burgers. 漢堡包 hamburger

5. The children were fed up. 受夠了

313 Kipper was fed up. 不高興,厭煩

6. The burgers burned. 烤糊了,燒焦了

burn: to spoil food by cooking it for too long, or to become spoiled in this way

I’m afraid I’ve burnt the pizza. 我怕是把比薩餅烤糊了。

316  The hotel had burned down.  燒毀

I can smell something burning in the kitchen. 我聞到廚房里有東西燒焦了。

Sorry, I burnt the toast. 我把面包烤糊了。


3-20 The Carnival

(Peppa Pig S05E43 The Carnival)

1. carnival: a public event at which people play music, wear special clothes, and dance in the streets 嘉年華會(huì)  

2. They put it on a trailer

trailer: a vehicle that can be pulled behind another vehicle, used for carrying sth heavy 拖車

See the source image

3. The children dressed up. 喬裝打扮

dress up 打扮,裝扮

He went to the party dressed up as a pirate. 他裝扮成一個(gè)海盜去參加聚會(huì)。

We dressed him up as a gorilla. 我們把他裝扮成大猩猩。

4. The car broke down. 汽車拋錨了。

316 But the car broke down

5. 童謠 there was an old lady who lived in a shoe 

6. float: a large vehicle  that is decorated to drive through the streets as part of a special event 游行花車

See the source image


3-21 At the pool

1. at the pool 在游泳池

2. swimming pool 游泳池

3. Kipper looked for his trunks.

 look for 找

swimming trunks British English/swim trunks American English 游泳褲

  • a pair of swimming trunks


3-22 Bull's-eye!

1. bulls?eyebull’s-eye /?b?lza?/ noun [countable]  the centre of a target that you try to hit when shooting or in games like darts 靶心

why is it called the bull's-eye? 在古時(shí)候,人們?nèi)ゴ颢C,如果有誰能一箭射中野牛的眼睛,那他就是神箭手。后來,人們就把靶心叫做bull’s-eye

2. Everyone went to the school fair

school fair 學(xué)校游園會(huì)

3. He had to hit a bull's-eye. 射中靶心

4. Wilma was in the gym display

display 展示,展覽,表演

a fireworks display 煙火表演

a display of juggling 雜耍表演

5. Wilf and Wilma had a fight

had a fight 打了一架

6. They bumped into Dad.

bump into碰到,撞到

Tim was a clumsy boy, always bumping into the furniture. 蒂姆是個(gè)笨手笨腳的孩子,老是撞到家具上。

In the dark I bumped into a chair. 我在黑暗中撞上了一把椅子。


3-23 Book Week 圖書周

1.  what is a book week? 是學(xué)?;驁D書館舉辦的介紹圖書、鼓勵(lì)閱讀的活動(dòng),在book week你可以打扮成書中的一個(gè)人物

2. An author came. 作者

3. He made everyone laugh. 他把每個(gè)人都逗笑了。

4. Kipper was a caterpillar. 毛毛蟲

5. a masked robber 蒙面大盜

6. Kipper ate a lettuce. 生菜

7. 引用書目 The very hungry caterpillar

Question: who would you like to dress up as?


3-24 The Cold Day

1. They played in the waves. 海浪

2. 爸爸把水草放在自己頭上,在嘴巴和鼻子中間還夾了一條,手里還拿著一根魚叉,他在扮演海神波塞冬

Po?sei?don /p??sa?dn/    in Greek mythology, the god of the sea. In Roman mythology his name is Neptune.

3. Everyone wanted to jog. 

jog1 /d??ɡ $ d?ɑ?ɡ/ ●●○ verb (jogged, jogging   to run slowly and steadily, especially as a way of exercising 

go jogging every morning. 我每天早晨都去慢跑。



1. barbecue 燒烤 We had a barbecue on the beach. 我們?cè)诤┥蠠尽?nbsp;

2. The dads lit the fire. 點(diǎn)火 

3. The fire went out. 熄滅 

4. The children were fed up. 受夠了 

5. The burgers burned. 烤糊了,燒焦了 Sorry, I burnt the toast. 我把面包烤糊了。 

6. carnival 嘉年華會(huì) 

7. trailer拖車 

8. The children dressed up. 喬裝打扮 

9. The car broke down. 汽車拋錨了。 

10. at the pool 在游泳池 

11. Kipper looked for his trunks.

12. school fair 學(xué)校游園會(huì)

13. He had to hit a bull's-eye. 射中靶心

14. gym display. 體操表演

15. Wilf and Wilma had a fight. 打了一架

16. They bumped into Dad. 碰到,撞到

17. An author came. 作者

18. He made everyone laugh. 他把每個(gè)人都逗笑了。

19. Kipper was a caterpillar. 毛毛蟲

20. Kipper ate a lettuce. 生菜

21. They played in the waves. 海浪

22. go jogging every morning. 我每天早晨都去慢跑。

回應(yīng) 舉報(bào)


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牛津樹3級(jí)筆記①301-306  贊1 · 收藏7 · 評(píng)論2
01/ 3-19 The Barbecue
02/ 3-20 The Carnival
03/ 3-21 At the pool
04/ 3-22 Bull's-eye!
05/ 3-23 Book Week 圖書周
06/ 3-24 The Cold Day
07/ 聽寫單詞/詞組/句子