康媽陪你雙語精讀牛津樹2階 || The Little Dragon

2022-12-12 15:54 原創(chuàng) · 圖片11


今天讀這一篇 The Little Dragon,故事開始~



Before reading this story, I'd like to share with you another story. It's called The Princess and the Dragon. Once upon a time, there was a beautiful princess. She was picking flowers in the garden when suddenly a dragon flew down and took her away. "Help! Help!" Cried the princess. Poor princess, who was gonna come to the rescue? Luckily for her, a prince came and fighted the mean dragon and saved the princess. So they lived happily ever after.






The story in today's book will be a totally different story. This story is called The Little Dragon. Now let's look at the cover. What can you see on the front cover? 今天我們要講的故事呢,是一個完全不同的故事,故事叫《小龍》。我們一起來看看封面吧。封面上你都看到了什么呢?

I can see Kipper and Mum. Mum is kneeling down and helping him to put on some green costume. 封面上有Kipper和媽媽。媽媽正雙膝著地幫他穿一件綠色的道具服。

The top of the costume, the white part, looks very much like the egg carton we use. And beneth the egg cartons is a box wtih two big eyes stuck on to it. The Costume also has a very long tail. 道具的最上面,白色的部分看起來很像我們平時用的雞蛋托。下面呢,是粘著兩只大眼睛的盒子。道具服還有一條長長的尾巴。

Mum is helping to stick the long big teeth onto it using double-sided tape. So what do you think the costume is? Is it a crocodile? Or a dragon? 媽媽正幫忙用雙面膠把長長的尖牙粘上去。那么你覺得這個道具服是鱷魚呢?還是恐龍呢?

Definitely a dragon. First, the title of this book is The Little Dragon, second, Kipper is holding a paper-made flame, which must be shot by a dragon. 肯定是龍。首先呢,這本書的名字就叫《小龍》,第二呢,你看Kipper手里拿著紙做的火焰呢,肯定是龍噴出來的。

Great, now let's guess what will happen in this story. Since Kipper is wearing a dragon costum, maybe they are playing a dressing-up game. Or they are putting on a play. 太厲害啦,接下來我們來猜猜這本書里會發(fā)生什么樣的故事。既然Kipper穿著龍的道具服,可能他們在玩一個換裝游戲?;蛘咚麄冊谘菀怀鰬?。


The children put on a play. 孩子們上演了一出戲。

Yay, so this is a play. A job for you, please identify the characters and find out what part they play in the play. 耶,這確實(shí)是一場戲。小任務(wù)來啦,請指出每個人以及他們扮演的角色。

On Page 1, we can see a stage where there is a tree. Who is playing the part of the tree? 第1頁上,我們可以看到一個舞臺,舞臺側(cè)邊站著一棵樹。樹是誰扮演的呢?

Dad is the tree. 爸爸演的。

Oh, I wonder why his arms are sticking out. 爸爸的胳膊為什么要伸著呢?

'Coz his arms are the tree branches. 因?yàn)樗母觳彩菢渲ρ健?/p>

Look, here comes Wilf holding up a sign, and it says Scene 1. A play is divided up into scenes. 快看,Wilf舉著一塊牌子上臺了,牌子上寫著“第一幕”。戲是分了好多幕的。



"I am the king," said Chip. "Fight the dragon." Chip說:我是國王。去和龍搏斗吧。

In Scene 1, we can see the king on the stage. So who is playing the part of the king? 第一幕中,國王上臺了。誰扮演的國王呢?

Chip is the king. Chip扮演的國王。

Right, look at him, he is wearing a yellow crown, a red cloak and even a pair of boots. 你看他,戴著黃色的王冠,系著紅色的披風(fēng),穿著一雙靴子。

So cool, and now he is standing there with one hand on his waist and the other pointing to his soldier, maybe giving an order. 太帥了。這會兒他站在舞臺上,一手叉腰,一手指著他的士兵,可能正在下命令。

What order does he give to his soldier? 他給士兵了什么命令呢?

Fight the dragon. 跟龍搏斗。

Can you tell who the soldier is? 你看出來這名士兵是誰了嗎?

It's Wilma. 是Wilma。



"I am the knight," said Wilma. "I will fight the dragon." Wilma說:我是騎士。我要和龍搏斗。

Here we can see that every characters are introducing themselves. 這里我們知道每個角色在介紹自己。

Wilma is the knight, and she wears a red helmet with a plume on top, holds a yellow sword and wears a white vest armor. Wilma是騎士,她戴著紅色的羽毛頭盔,拿著一把黃色的劍,還穿著白色的背心盔甲。

Here she says she will fight the dragon, meaning she receives the king's order. 這里她說她要去和龍搏斗,說明她接受國王的命令。

Look at Dad, I think now he is beginning to enjoy the play less. Do you know why? 你看看爸爸,我覺得他開始不太享受這場表演了。你知道為什么么?

Holding arms out for a long time is too tired. 一直舉著胳膊太累了。



"I am the dragon," said Kipper. "But I am a little dragon." Kipper說:我就是那條龍。但我只是條小龍。

Here comes the dragon, and who is playing the dragon? 龍上臺啦,是誰扮演的呢?

Kipper, Kipper is the dragon. 是Kipper啦。

Is the dragon little or big? 那這條龍很大還是很小呢?

It's a little dragon, maybe a baby dragon. 小龍,可能是龍寶寶。

Look at the sign in Wilf's hand, anything wrong? 你看Wilf手里的牌子,有什么問題嗎?

It's upside down. Wilf拿反了。

And I also notice that Dad begin to drop his arms, now they are almost plat. 我還看到爸爸的胳膊都慢慢放下來了,都快放平了。



"I am the princess," said Biff. "I like dragons." Biff說:我是公主。我喜歡龍。

Biff goes onto the stage, wearing a flower crown and a dress and holding a flower. Biff上臺了,她頭上戴著花冠,身上穿著公主裙,手上拿著一支花。

Is the princess taken away by the dragon? 龍把公主抓走了嗎?

No, on the contrary, the princess likes dragons. 沒有,公主喜歡龍。

Heard what Biff says, how does Dad feel? 聽到Biff說的話,爸爸作何感想?

He looks surprised, maybe not seeing that coming. 他看起來很驚訝,可能沒料到公主會喜歡龍。

Where is the dragon? 龍在哪里呢?

He's hiding on the side of the stage. 他藏在了舞臺的側(cè)邊。


The princess played with the dragon. They played under the tree. 公主和龍玩了起來。他們在樹下玩耍。

Can you tell what scene is this? 你知道現(xiàn)在是第幾幕了嗎?

Scene 3, it says so on the sign hung on the wall. 第三幕,墻上掛著的牌子上有說。

Biff takes off her flower crown and dress and puts on the tree branch. Biff把花冠和公主裙脫下來掛在樹枝上。

Now she is playing ball with the dragon under the tree. They are friends now. 現(xiàn)在Biff跟龍正在樹下玩球。他們是好朋友啦。

Dad the tree is feeling really tired now, look he is frowning and and arms dropping. 樹爸爸真的太累了,你看他眉頭緊鎖,雙臂垂著。

Poor old Dad. 可憐的老爸。



"I am the knight," said Wilma. "I am frighted," said the dragon. Wilma說:我是騎士。龍說:我很害怕。

Oh no, the knight comes, and she is gonna fight the dragon. Run for your life, little dragon. 不好,騎士來啦,她要和龍搏斗。小龍,快跑呀。

Wilma's face turns red, so she must yells at the dragon. She even gives Dad a startle. Wilma的臉都變紅了,她一定是吼的。都把爸爸嚇了一大跳。

Poor little dragon, he is now frightened. Who's gonna save him? 可憐的小龍,他現(xiàn)在很害怕。誰來救他呢?

Wilf comes onto the stage with a swimming pool which has a sign of The Pond, what is he gonna do with it? Wilf拿著一個泳池上臺了,泳池上貼著“池塘”的小牌子,他要做什么呢?


"I am cross," said the princess. She pushed the knight in the pond. 公主說:我很生氣。她把騎士推到池塘里。

Biff the Princess feels cross about the knight fighting the little dragon. Biff公主對于和小龍搏斗的騎士感到非常憤怒。

So she stands up bravely against the knight and pushes her into the pond. 所以她勇敢的站起來反抗騎士,把她推到了池塘里。

Wilma the knight fell into the pond and water and mud splash everywhere. 騎士Wilma摔倒在池塘里,水呀泥巴呀濺的到處都是。

Oh, I see, Wilf comes up with the swimming pond for Wilma the knight, and he even throws confetti over her as water and mud. 我明白啦,Wilf把泳池拿上來是為了騎士Wilma,他還朝她撒了五彩紙屑當(dāng)作濺起來的水花。

What a clever boy. 好聰明呀。

Look at Dad the tree, his arms are no longer sticking out, do you know why? 你看看樹爸爸,他不再伸著兩條胳膊了,你知道為什么嗎?

He's really too tired. 他實(shí)在太累了。

Do you think Dad enjoyed being a tree? Why or why not? 你覺得爸爸喜歡樹這個角色嗎?為什么呢?

I think he doesn't enjoy being a tree, because it's too tired. 我覺得他不喜歡,因?yàn)樘哿恕?/p>

And he doesn't look very happy. 而且他看起來一點(diǎn)都不開心。

Do you wanna try holding your arms out? Let's see how long you can do it. 你要不要試試舉高胳膊?看看你能舉多長時間好不好?



"What a good play," said everyone. 大家都說:真是一出好戲??!

This is the end of the play and everyone takes a bow. 表演結(jié)束啦,大家謝幕。

Everyone down the stage all claps for them. 臺下的觀眾都為他們鼓掌呢。

Who do you think is the happiest among them? 你覺得誰會是最開心的人?

Dad the tree. He must be feeling so relieved. 肯定是爸爸啦,他肯定覺得輕松極了。


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