
2022-4-22 08:39 原創(chuàng) · 圖片6

4-13 Wet Paint

1. He put his paws on the paint. 爪子

2. Dad was fed up. 受夠了

3. Biff and Chip had a pillow fight. 枕頭戰(zhàn)

4. The pillow split open. 裂開了

5. Dad had put up an old door. 裝上

4-14 Swap!

1. swap 交換

He swapped the robot for the bat.用機(jī)器人換球棒

2. Biff had a skateboard. 滑板

4-15 The Flying Elephant

4-16 The Scarf

1. Anneena liked knitting. 織毛線

2. I couldn't stop knitting. 織的停不下來了

3. The pond was frozen.

4-17 The Dragon Dance 舞龍

  1. 1. "It's made of paper," said Mrs May. "Be careful." 是用紙做的。

2. Don't tear the paper. 撕,撕壞

3. The dragon tore in half. 撕成兩半

4. The children went into town. 

town: the business or shopping centre of a town (市鎮(zhèn)的)商業(yè)中心區(qū),鬧市區(qū)

5. "Come to the school fair," said chip. 

school fair 學(xué)校游園會

4-18 Everyone Got Wet

1. Dad looked at the water butt.

water butt: (British English) a large container that is kept outside and used for collecting rainwater 雨水桶 (接雨水用的大水桶)

2. The water butt was leaking. 在漏水

3. oh bother: used to express anger 真倒霉,真見鬼

Oh bother! It's raining and I left my umbrella at home. 

4. He put a patch on it.

patch 補(bǔ)丁

5. "What a tricky job!" he said.

tricky 用來形容一件事需要花心思才能解決

6. The water butt burst. 破裂,爆炸

7. Mum put the hose on the tap. The top of the tap came off.

tap 水龍頭

8. Dad got a new water butt. He put it on the bricks. 磚頭

9. Mum got a new hose. She joined it to the old hose. 接在

10. He turned the tap on. 打開水龍頭

11. The children got the paddling pool.

paddling pool 充氣水池

12. No water came out of the hose.


4-19 Dad's Jacket


1. Chip made a poster. 海報

2. She invented a game.

3. Let me have a go. 試一試

4. It's a good fit. a good fit 很合身

The dress was a perfect fit. 這條連衣裙非常合身。

4-20 Stuck in the Mud 陷入泥潭

1. Put Floppy on a lead. 拴上狗繩

lead: (British English) a piece of ropeleather, or chain for holding or controlling a dog SYN leash (牽狗的)繩子,皮帶,鏈子

on a lead All dogs must be kept on a lead. 所有的狗都必須系牽狗帶。

2. He sank into the mud. 

4-21 The Den 小窩棚

1. den

2. Biff found some logs.

log 樹樁

3. The rain splashed into the den.

splash 水拍打 潑灑

4-22 Look Smart

1. I want you to look smart. 

smart 穿著又整潔又時尚,很會穿衣服

2. He fell over a bag.  fell over 被…絆倒了

3. She sat on Mum's lipstick. 口紅

4. They set off for the party. 出發(fā)

4-23 Tug of War 拔河

1. He tied the rope to the tree.

2. Let's have a tug of war.

3. Mum went over the bridge. 從橋上過去

4-24 An Important Case

1. case 箱子

2. It landed in a bush. 降落

3. It was stolen.

回應(yīng) 舉報


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01/ 4-13 Wet Paint
02/ 4-14 Swap!
03/ 4-16 The Scarf
04/ 4-17 The Dragon Dance 舞龍
05/ 4-18 Everyone Got Wet
06/ 4-19 Dad's Jacket
07/ 4-20 Stuck in the Mud 陷入泥潭
08/ 4-21 The Den 小窩棚
09/ 4-22 Look Smart
10/ 4-23 Tug of War 拔河
11/ 4-24 An Important Case