
2020-1-7 00:56 原創(chuàng)


Friends in the stars 來自星星的朋友 

Momma Dog, Momma Dag, what do you see? I see an eagle looking down at me.老鷹 

Puppy Dog, Puppy Dog, what do you see? I see a dragon breathing fire at me. Momma Dog, Momma Dag, what do you see? I see a snake slithering quickly at me. 


Puppy Dog, Puppy Dog, what do you see? I see a fox hunting eagles with me. 


Momma Dog, Momma Dag, what do you see? I see a fair king ruling over me. 


Puppy Dog, Puppy Dog, what do you see? I see a pretty queen waving at me 


Momma Dog, Momma Dag, what do you see? I see a white swan flying away from me. 白色天鵝從我身邊飛離 

Puppy Dog, Puppy Dog, what do you see? I see a little bear making friends with me. 和我交朋友 


Gaggle, Herd, and Murder 鵝群,獸群,烏鴉群 

Animals are everywhere. Sometimes they gather in groups. 


Animal groups have differen name. 動物群有不同的名字 

A group of geese is a gaggle 鵝群叫

Gaggle A gaggle of geese stands together. 一群鵝站在一起 

A group of bats is a colony. A colony of bats may leave its cave all at once.


A murder is a group of crows.烏鴉 

This murder gather at sunset. 


A group of whales is a pod. A pod of whales swims together. 

A smack is a group of jellyfish. A smack travels on ocean waves. Smack隨著海浪旅行 

A group of zebras is a herd. Sometimes a herd races together. 

A pack is a group of wolves. 

A pack works togethet to hunt. A group of humans can be a family. 

A group of humans can be a neighborhood. What other groups fo you know? 



I am a glassblower. Watch me make a beautiful glass bowl. The oven that holds the glass is very very hot. The hot glass is runny, like honey. 這個烤爐它使玻璃保持非常非常的高溫,這時高熱的玻璃流動就像蜂蜜。 

I dip my long pipe into the hot glass. 


I roll the pipe on the table to smooth and cool the glass. 


I blow into the pipe. I blow a bubble in the gooey glass. 我吹泡泡到粘粘的玻璃里 

I try not to blow too hard. 


I add other colors to make the bowl even more beautiful. I dip my pipe into the oven again. The oven makes the colors flow. 


My tools help me to shape the glass. I spin the glass as fast as I can. 


The bowl gets wider and wider. 碗變得越來越寬 

I break off the pipe.


I heat the glass again to make it smooth. 


The glass cools slowly. My beautiful bowl is done. 



No food in winter 冬天沒有食物 

Some animals can't find food in the winter.


 Some of these animals hibernate. 


What is hibernating?什么是冬眠呢? 

Hibernating is like a deer sleep. This sleep can last for weeks. 


Animals breathe slowly when they hibernate.


Their hearts beat slower. They do not eat.


How fo they stay alive? Hibernation animals eat lots of food before winter. The food stays in their bodies as fat. 冬眠動物在冬天前吃很多食物。食物在他們的身體里保持著脂肪 

Animals live off this fat while the sleep. They also need a safe place to sleep. They need to be safe from the cold. They need to be safe from hungry animals. 


Hibernating animals. Snakes and frogs hibernate. Turtles andmice hibernate. Squirrels and bats hibernate. 


Bears hibernate. Raccoons and skunks hibernate, too. At the hibernateing animals wake up in the spring. 



Hide and seek with Zog 

A new monster moves into a house by Jupe. 

Her name is zog. Zog is shy. She hides when any one comes to see her. 


Jupe hoes to meet Zog. 

She knocks on the door. 

Zog hides inside her toy box. Jupe puts an apple by the door. The next day, Jupe knocks on the door. 

Zoe hides behind the drapes. 

Jupe puts flowers by the door. For many days, Jupe Knocks on the door. Zog hids, but Jupe puts a presents by the door. 

Then one day, there is a knock on the door, Zog hides behind the sofa. She opens the door. 

There is no one there. 

There is no present. Zog looks to see who knocked on the door. She tiptoes around the house. 


She tiptoes around the yard. Then Zog hear a giggle.咯咯的笑聲 

It is coming from the bush.灌木,矮樹叢 

Zog steps closer to the bush. It giggle again. Do bushes giggle? Zog wonders. 

A funny hand comes out of the bush. 

It waves to Zog. 

Another hand comes out of the bush. 

It pats Zog on her head. Zog is scared. Should she run and hide? 

Then the funny hand go away. Zog peeks behind the bush.偷看,一瞥 

It'ss me! Says Jupe. Jupe has a tea party set up on the grass. 

There are two cups, two plates, and two cookies. 

Is the tea party for a friend? Asks Zog. Yes, says Jupe. That friends is you. After tea,.zog says. 

Do you want to play a fun game? Is it tag? No. Is it kickball? No. The fun game is hide and seek. 結(jié)束,開始 


How do they move? 

Animals, animals, how do they move? These animals move on land. They have strong legs for hopping and jumping. Can you name them? 

動物,動物,它們是怎么移動的? 這些動物在陸地上移動。他們有很強壯的腿幫它們蹦和跳。你能說出他們的名字嗎? Animals, animals, how do they move? 

These animals move on land.

 They have strong legs for running. 

Can you name them? 

Animals, animals, how do they move? 

These animals move on land. 

They have many legs for crawling. 

Can you name them? 

Animals, animals, how do they move? 

These animals move on land. 

They have two legs for walking and running. Can you name them? 

Animals, animals, how do they move? 

These animals move in the air. They have wings for flying. Can you name them?


Animals, animals, how do they move? These animals move in water.They have fins and flippers for swimming. Can you name them?鰭和鰭狀肢體 

Animals, animals, how do they move? 

These animals move in the trees. 

They have long arms for swinging. Can you name them?


Animals, animals, how do they move? 

These animals move on land . 

They have no legs, no arms, no wing, and ni fins . 

Can you name them? 


How is the weather today?今天天氣如何?

 Every day I watch the weatherman on TV.


Knowing about the weather is important to me.


I want to know if the wind will blow.


I want to know if it will rain.是否會下雨 

I want to know if it will snow.是否會下雪 

Spring How is the weather today? The weatherman says it will be warm with showers.


I will wear my raincoat. I will go fishing wit 


How to make a snow person 

This is how to make a snow person. 

You need to make a bottom, a middle, and a top. You need supplies to add details, too. 


First, roll up a big ball. This will be the bottom ofthe snow person. 


Second, roll up a small ball than the first ball. 

This will be the middle of the snow person. 

Third, roll up a smaller ball than the second ball. This will be the head of the snow person. 

Fourth, set the middle on top of the base. Then, set the head on top of the middle. 


Now, you have a body. 

Next, you can add details to the body. 

Add arms to the middle ball of the snow person. 

Add eyes, a nose, and a mouth to the head. Try to use materials, that match the shapes you want. 

在雪人中間球加胳膊,眼睛,鼻子,嘴。嘗試用一些符合你想要的形狀的各種材料。 Will your snow person have a big deal nose? 

Will your snow person have be smiling or frowning? 

Then, you can put a hat on your snow person's head. 

Finally, you can wrap a scrarf around your snow person's neck. 

You have made a snie person! 

Will you make a friend for your snow person? 


In a chinese Garden 

I'm visiting a chinese garden. 

I enter a gate without doors. 

I see a lot of water. 

It looks as smooth as a mirror. 

I can see things in it. I'm glad for water to drink. 


I see a huge rock. The rock looks so strong. 

It will not move or fall down. I'm gladI'm strong now, too. 


I see trees. They stand tall and give shade. I'm glad for trees to rest under on a sunny day. 


The chinese garden is beautiful and peaceful 平靜. 

I'll remember it whenever I see water, rocks, and trees. 


Jobs for James 

James saw a cool new hamster cage. Hamster Hank would like this, he said. 


Hank could run in all the tubes and rooms, said James. 


At home, James counted as his money. 

I have fourteen dollars, said James. 

The cage costs thirty dollars. I need to earn the money, James said. 

I'll ask if there are any jobs I can do, he said. 

I'll pay you back two dollars an hour to rake leaves, said Grandpa. 


I'll pay you three dollars anhour to clean the garage車庫, said Mom. I'll pay you four dollars anhour to pull these weeds,拔雜草said Mrs.  Tom. 

James pulled weeds for one hour. 

He cleaned the garage for two hours. 

He rakek leaves for three hours. 

Now I have the money I see need, James said. 

I can buy Hank's new cage. 

James got Hank's new cage. He wad proud of his hard work.  

Hank was proud of his new home.

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